Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- g -
- gain_control_apply()
: ZSVOptions
- gain_control_prepare()
: ZSVOptions
- gain_ctrl_mode
: ZSVOptions
- GainNormModes
: ZqbSVOptions
- gauss()
: UBaseMath
- gb
: ZmDbTableTool
, ZmTableTool
- gbClipboard
: ZmTableTool
- general_constants
: SEGD_GeneralHeader1
- general_trailer_blocks
: SEGD_GeneralHeader2
- generate()
: U3dDataCube
, Grid2d
, U3dDataCube
- get()
: AnyValueAr
, U3dBspl3Curve
, IniFile
, IniSection
, Spl_U3dBspl3AbstractMatrix
, Spl_U3dSimpleBspl3Curve
, Spl_U3dSimpleBspl3Surface
, Spl_U3dSimpleBspl3Surf3d
, Spl_U3dBspl3Curve
, U3dBspl3AbstractMatrix
, U3dSimpleBspl3Curve
, U3dSimpleBspl3Surface
, U3dSimpleBspl3Surf3d
, hds::db::TrBodiesCacheQSql
, U3dBspl3AbstractMatrix
, U3dSimpleBspl3Curve
, hds::db::TrHdrsCacheQSql
, U3dSimpleBspl3Surface
, U3dSimpleBspl3Surf3d
- get_2d_ip_dist()
: U3dIntEqLeftPart
- get_3d_ip_dist()
: U3dIntEqLeftPart
- get_all_keys()
: LRUCache< Key, Data, Sizefn >
- get_ampl()
: ZtSeismicTrace
- get_any()
: InputStream
- get_arch_signature()
: InputFileStream
- get_bar_draw()
: ZtSeismicTrace
- get_base()
: ZtRubberRay
- get_block_buffer()
: TapeRead
- get_block_mode()
: TapeReader
- get_bp_num()
: U3dBspl3Curve3d
, UBspl3Curve1d
- get_categ()
: AnyValue
- get_cell_id()
: Grid2d
- get_changed()
: DbLineEntry
- get_column_label()
: ZmDbTableTool
, ZmTableTool
- get_column_length()
: ZmDbTableTool
, ZmTableTool
- get_column_width()
: ZmDbTableTool
, ZmTableTool
- get_comment()
: ZtPointMark
- get_coord_range()
: ZCoordObjStream
, ZTrSetStream
- get_data()
: InputStream
, InputFileStream
- get_db_name_hash()
: hds::db::QSqlImpl
- get_dbname()
: ParView_selector
- get_debug_level()
: InputStream
, OutputStream
- get_dim()
: AnyValue
- get_domain()
: DbTable
- get_domains()
: DbTable
- get_double_value()
: IniSection
- get_dt()
: S2AutoTimeShifts
- get_enlarge_dim_mode()
: TextRepres
- get_entry_ids()
: psc::TsContainer
, psc::TsContainer3D
- get_eq_row()
: psc::Solver
- get_expanded_gp()
: U3dBspl3Surface3d
, U3dBspl3Surface4d
, U3dSVRGMathBspl3Surf4d
, U3dSVRGMathBspl3Surface
- get_fill_flag()
: ZtPointMark
- get_fill_mode()
: ZtColoredMatrix
- get_height()
: ZtColoredMatrix
- get_hits()
: ZHistogram
- get_hor_limit_by_bounds()
: ZtZoomOut
- get_id()
: dba::LdbSeismicPolycor
- get_index()
: ZHistogram
- get_info_lines()
: ZtMain
, ZtObject
- get_int_value()
: IniSection
- get_ip_id()
: U3dPRGrid2d
, U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurface
- get_item()
: RecList
- get_last_ic()
: Grid2d
- get_ldb_header()
: dba::LdbSeismic
- get_ldb_trace()
: dba::LdbSeismic
- get_line_distance()
: Spl_U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dBspl3Curve3d
- get_list_of_names()
: IniFile
- get_list_of_types()
: IniFile
- get_loaded()
: DbLineEntry
- get_magnification()
: ZtPointMark
- get_manager()
: ZtObject
- get_max_ampl()
: ZtSeismicTrace
- get_max_block_size()
: TapeRead
, TapeReader
- get_max_errors()
: TapeRead
, TapeReader
- get_name()
: Parameter
- get_options()
: ZtSeismicTrace
, ZtSeismicView
- get_or_create_queue()
: dcf::IPCMsgMan
- get_palette()
: ZtSeismicView
- get_pixel_height()
: ZtSeismicTrace
, ZtSeismicView
- get_point()
: ZtPointMark
- get_preread_size()
: DbTable
- get_project()
: DbPointer
- get_queue()
: dcf::IPCMsgMan
- get_range()
: ZHistogram
- get_rays_paths_to_receiver()
: pl_raytr_model
- get_receiver()
: pl_raytr_model
- get_receivers()
: pl_raytr_model
- get_receivers_in_depth_interval()
: pl_raytr_model
- get_row_data()
: RecItem
- get_row_ids()
: psc::Solver
- get_row_label()
: ZmTableTool
- get_row_labels_width()
: ZmTableTool
- get_rows_count()
: ZmDbTableTool
, ZmTableTool
- get_s()
: SmoothCubicSpline1d
, USmspl3Curve1d
- get_scale()
: ZScaledPalette
- get_section_name()
: IniSection
- get_section_type()
: IniSection
- get_seis_data_size()
: hds::db::ProjectQSql
- get_selected_columns()
: ZmTableTool
- get_selected_rows()
: ZmTableTool
- get_sensitive()
: QfBrick
, QfBuilding
- get_sensitive_area()
: ZtRubberRect
- get_status_of_data()
: ZtSeismicTrace
- get_status_of_matrix()
: ZtColoredMatrix
- get_sync_scale()
: ZtGrid
- get_table_wid_item()
: hds::TableEditor
- get_tape_name()
: TapeRead
- get_text()
: Protocol
- get_text_value()
: ParType
- get_ts_curve()
: psc::TsDispersionResidual
- get_type()
: AnyValue
, ZtPointMark
- get_unit()
: DbTable
- get_value()
: ParType
, DbTable
, IniSection
, RecItem
, RecList
- get_values()
: DbTable
- get_ver_limit_by_bounds()
: ZtZoomOut
- get_window_duration()
: Trace
, WaveField
- get_window_start()
: Trace
- get_window_timestart()
: WaveField
- getA()
: U3dAbstractSeis
, UAGStorage
, U3dAbstractSeis
- GetABCD()
: Spline
- getActTrIds()
: U3dBound
- getActTrNum()
: U3dBound
- getActTrNums()
: U3dTriangledAbstractSurface
- getAGBox()
: UAGStorage
- getAlignment()
: ZqTitle
- getAllTraceIds()
: hds::db::ZdSeismic
, hds::ZdLdbSeismic
, ZdSeismicSet
, ZdUSeismic
, ZdSeismicSet
- GetAmax()
: Spline
- getAmpl()
: U3dAbstractSeis
, UAGStorage
, AbstractSeis
, U3dAbstractSeis
- getAmplParabolic()
: U3dAbstractSeis
, UAGStorage
, U3dAbstractSeis
- getAmplPure()
: U3dAbstractSeis
, UAGStorage
, U3dAbstractSeis
- getAmplWindowSumm()
: U3dAbstractSeis
, UAGStorage
, U3dAbstractSeis
- getAngles()
: U3dRay
- getAnKP()
: U3dBody
- GetAnKP()
: BodyParam
- getAnKS()
: U3dBody
- GetAnKS()
: BodyParam
- getAnParams()
: U3dBody
- getApproxType()
: U3dBound
, Vel2dModel
, Bound
, U3dBound
- getApriorityName()
: S2ReflKinLDB
- getArea()
: ZqObject
- getAreaSize()
: U3dBspl3Surface4d
, U3dMathAbstractSurface
, U3dPRGrid3d
, U3dMathAbstractSurface
, U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurf4d
- getAreaWidget()
: ZqObject
, ZqbPlaceholder
, ZqbVisible
, ZqObject
, ZqbPlaceholder
, ZqbVisible
- getArgBounds()
: ZdFunction
, ZdRealFunc
, ZdTrace
, ZdFunction
, ZdRealFunc
, ZdTrace
- getArgBoundsX()
: ZdF3DMatrix< T >
, ZdF3DSeismic
, ZdFunction3D
, ZdF3DMatrix< T >
, ZdF3DSeismic
, ZdFunction3D
- getArgBoundsY()
: ZdF3DMatrix< T >
, ZdF3DSeismic
, ZdFunction3D
, ZdF3DMatrix< T >
, ZdF3DSeismic
, ZdFunction3D
- getAttrValue()
: Trace::Header
- getAutoClear()
: ZqbPlaceholder
- getAutoSort()
: ZqCurve
- getAutoTickMode()
: ZqbNatGroup
- getAvValue()
: PolarityWaveDetector
- getAxisDecor()
: ZqScale
- getB()
: Spl_U3dBspl3AbstractMatrix
, U3dBspl3AbstractMatrix
- getBackgroundColor()
: QzqArea
- getBarSpace()
: ZqCurve
- getBaseLevel()
: ZqCurve
- getBeta12()
: U3dSVRGMathBeta3Surface
- getBMType()
: U3dBspl3Curve3d
, UBspl3Curve1d
- getBodiesNum()
: U3dModel
- getBody()
: U3dModel
- GetBodyBrd()
: Body
- getBodyCellsList()
: U3dGrid
- getBodyId()
: U3dModel
- getBodyIdDummy()
: U3dModel
- getBodyIdFromCell()
: U3dModel
- getBodyIdFromGrid()
: U3dModel
- GetBotBN()
: Body
- getBound()
: U3dModel
- getBoundBox()
: U3dBound
- getBoundCellsList()
: U3dGrid
- GetBoundIntInfo()
: RayInfo
- getBounds()
: ZqbNatGroup
, ZqbNatGrpMember
, ZqbNatGroup
, ZqbNatGrpMember
- getBoundsNum()
: U3dModel
- getBSpl()
: U3dSVRGMathBSSurface
- getBufferAllHeadersFlag()
: hds::db::SeismicQSql
- getCaption()
: hds::NatgrpOptionsWid
- getCellI()
: U3dMigrRayShooter
- getCellIJK()
: U3dMigrRayShooter
- getCellJ()
: U3dMigrRayShooter
- getCellK()
: U3dMigrRayShooter
- getCenter()
: U3dBox
- GetCKz()
: BodyParam
- getCMPsIds()
: S2AbstractDBAccess
, S2LDBAccess
- GetCoeff()
: RTWaveCalc
- getCoeffs()
: Spl_U3dSimpleBspl3Curve
, U3dSimpleBspl3Curve
- getColumnBoundCellsList()
: U3dGrid
- getCommonCells()
: U3dGrid
, U3dModel
- getComps()
: UDBSeis
- getCompsIds()
: S2AbstractDBAccess
, S2LDBAccess
- getControlPoint()
: Spl_U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dBspl3Curve3d
- getControlPointsNum()
: Spl_U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dBspl3Curve3d
- getCoord()
: ZqbPixGroup
, ZqbPixGrpControl
, ZqbPixGrpMember
, ZqbPixGroup
, ZqbPixGrpControl
, ZqbPixGrpMember
- getCoordAxisVisMode()
: hds::SeismicArea
, hds::SeismicAreaWidget
- getCoordNaturalGroup()
: hds::SeismicArea
- getCoordPrecision()
: ZdSeismicSet
- getCoordRange()
: hds::db::ZdSeismic
, hds::ZdLdbSeismic
, ZdCoordObjStream
, ZdCoordObj< T >
, ZdLithVector
, ZdUSeismic
, ZdCoordObjStream
, ZdCoordObj< T >
, ZdLithVector
, ZqCustomScale::DefCoordObjStream
- getCoordRanges()
: hds::SAManualZoomDialog
- getCoords()
: hds::db::ZdSeismic
, hds::ZdLdbSeismic
, UDBSeis
, ZdSeismicSet
, ZdUSeismic
, ZqbNatGroup
, ZqbPixGroup
, ZqbPixGrpControl
, ZqbPixGrpMember
, ZdSeismicSet
, ZqbNatGroup
, ZqbPixGroup
, ZqbPixGrpControl
, ZqbPixGrpMember
- getCoordsSelection()
: hds::db::ZdSeismic
, hds::ZdLdbSeismic
, ZdCoordObjStream
- getCorrDirMask()
: psc::TsContainer
- getCPV()
: U3dBody
- getCSV()
: U3dBody
- getCubeCoordLimits()
: U3dDataCube
- getCurDerVal()
: Optimize1d
- getCurIterVal()
: Optimize1d
- getCurrentModel()
: Optimize1d
- getCurrentSeismicId()
: hds::db::SeismicQSql
- GetCurv()
: ParSpline
- getCurvature()
: Spl_U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dMathAbstractSurface
, U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dMathAbstractSurface
- getCustomCoord()
: hds::db::ZdSeismic
, hds::ZdLdbSeismic
, ZdCoordObjStream
- getDataSize()
: hds::db::TrHeaderContext
- getDb()
: hds::db::QSqlImpl
, psc::Accumulator
- getDbContext()
: hds::db::QSqlImpl
- getDefaultMutex()
: hds::db::QSqlImpl
- getDefaultTrHeader()
: hds::db::Seismic
- getDen()
: U3dBody
- getDiag()
: U2dBox
, U3dBox
- getDimensions()
: U3dDataCube
- getDir()
: S2KinTrans::AbstractKinShift
- getDirection()
: dcf::CFFT2DCalcBlock
- getDirectWave()
: U3dRTMod
- getDirectWaveSP()
: U3dRTMod
- GetDirectWaveTimes()
: RTWaveCalc
- getDrawMethod()
: ZqLithColumn
- getDrawObjectSelection()
: QzqArea
- GetDXDZ()
: ParSpline
- getEmptyCellsList()
: U3dGrid
- getEndPoint()
: U3dRayTracing
- GetEndPoints()
: Bound
- getFaceCell()
: U3dMigrRayShooter
- getFaceCellIJ()
: U3dAbstractRayShooter
, U3dMigrRayShooter
, U3dRTModRayShooter
, U3dAbstractRayShooter
, U3dMigrRayShooter
, U3dRTModRayShooter
- getFaceCellStAz()
: U3dAbstractRayShooter
, U3dMigrRayShooter
, U3dRTModRayShooter
, U3dAbstractRayShooter
, U3dMigrRayShooter
, U3dRTModRayShooter
- getFaceCellStF()
: U3dAbstractRayShooter
, U3dMigrRayShooter
, U3dRTModRayShooter
, U3dAbstractRayShooter
, U3dMigrRayShooter
, U3dRTModRayShooter
- getFaceCellT()
: U3dAbstractRayShooter
, U3dMigrRayShooter
, U3dRTModRayShooter
, U3dAbstractRayShooter
, U3dMigrRayShooter
, U3dRTModRayShooter
- getFaceId()
: U3dAbstractRayShooter
, U3dMigrRayShooter
, U3dRTModRayShooter
, U3dAbstractRayShooter
, U3dMigrRayShooter
, U3dRTModRayShooter
- getFaceIMax()
: U3dAbstractRayShooter
, U3dMigrRayShooter
, U3dRTModRayShooter
, U3dAbstractRayShooter
, U3dMigrRayShooter
, U3dRTModRayShooter
- getFaceJMax()
: U3dAbstractRayShooter
, U3dMigrRayShooter
, U3dRTModRayShooter
, U3dAbstractRayShooter
, U3dMigrRayShooter
, U3dRTModRayShooter
- getFBNormal()
: U3dModel
- getFieldsCount()
: hds::db::ZdSeismic
, hds::ZdLdbSeismic
, ZdSeismicFile
- getFillMode()
: ZqSurface
- getFindLineEdit()
: hds::SelectorWid
- getFirstDerivative()
: UBspl3Curve1d
- getFirstOrder()
: hds::db::ZdSeismic
, hds::ZdLdbSeismic
, ZdCoordObjStream
- getFont()
: ZqScale
, ZqTitle
, ZqScale
, ZqTitle
- getForm()
: U3dSignal
, U3dVSPSignal
- getFunc()
: UEqAbstractSolve
, U3dEqAbstractSolve
- getFuncBounds()
: ZdF3DMatrix< T >
, ZdF3DSeismic
, ZdFunction
, ZdFunction3D
, ZdRealFunc
, ZdF3DMatrix< T >
, ZdF3DSeismic
, ZdFunction
, ZdFunction3D
, ZdRealFunc
- getGrid()
: U3dModel
- getGridArea()
: U3dAbstractPRGrid2d
- getGridPoint()
: U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurface
, U3dAbstractPRGrid2d
, U3dPRGrid3d
, U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurf4d
- getGridX1Size()
: U3dPRGrid3d
, U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurf4d
- getGridX2Size()
: U3dPRGrid3d
, U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurf4d
- getGridX3Size()
: U3dPRGrid3d
, U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurf4d
- getGridXSize()
: U3dAbstractPRGrid2d
, U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurface
- getGridYSize()
: U3dAbstractPRGrid2d
, U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurface
- getHdrSize()
: ZqbHeaderDef
- getHeader()
: dba::LdbSeismic
, dba::LdbSeismicPolycor
, dba::Seismic
- getHeaderWords()
: hds::SSOptionsDialog
- getHint()
: ZqbPixGroup
, ZqbPixGrpControl
, ZqbPixGrpMember
, ZqbPixGroup
, ZqbPixGrpControl
, ZqbPixGrpMember
- getHintLimit()
: ZqbPixGroup
, ZqbPixGrpControl
, ZqbPixGrpMember
, ZqbPixGroup
, ZqbPixGrpControl
, ZqbPixGrpMember
- getHod()
: UAbstractHod
- getHodName()
: U3dAbstractWField
- getHodPoint()
: S2KinTrans::AbstractKinShift
, S2KinTrans::HypKinShift
, S2KinTrans::AVelKinShift
, S2KinTrans::VelKinShift
, S2KinTrans::PolyKinShift
- getHodsData()
: Optimize1d
- getID()
: U3dSurfSource
- getIds()
: psc::TsContainer
, S2AbstractDBAccess
- getImage()
: S2FK45Migr
- getIMax()
: U3dMigr
- GetIMax()
: RTMigr
- getIndexies()
: dba::LdbSeismic
, dba::Seismic
- getInitialPoint()
: U3dBspl3Surface3d
, U3dMathAbstractSurface
- getInitialPoints()
: U3dAbstractPRGrid2d
, U3dBspl3Surface3d
, U3dMathAbstractSurface
, U3dTriangledAbstractSurface
, U3dBound
, U3dTriangledAbstractSurface
- GetInitialPoints()
: U3dMathAbstractSurface
- getInitialPointsNum()
: U3dBspl3Surface3d
, U3dMathAbstractSurface
- getInitPoint()
: U3dBox
- getInterpolation()
: ZqCurve
- getIntersections()
: U3dTriangledAbstractSurface
- getIntType()
: U3dBound
- getInvisibleCoordinates()
: hds::ZdLdbSeismic
, ZdCoordObjStream
- getIPValue()
: U3dMigr
- GetIPValue()
: RTMigr
- getJMax()
: U3dMigr
- GetJMax()
: RTMigr
- getKMax()
: U3dMigr
- GetKnot()
: ParSpline
- GetKx()
: BodyParam
- getLastAngle()
: U3dRay
- getLastPoint()
: U3dRay
- GetLastPoint()
: RayInfo
- getLedgeSize()
: ZqSeismicTrace
, ZqSeismicView
, ZqSeismicTrace
, ZqSeismicView
- GetLegitimValues()
: Vel2dModel
- getLength()
: U3dSignal
- getLIds()
: S2AbstractDBAccess
, S2LDBAccess
- getLimitPoint()
: U3dBox
- getLineCoeffs()
: Spl_U3dMath
, UBaseMath
, U3dMath
- getLineColor()
: ZqPolygon
- getLineDeviation()
: Spl_U3dSimpleBspl3Curve
, U3dSimpleBspl3Curve
- getLineDeviations()
: Spl_U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dBspl3Curve3d
- getLineSegments()
: Spl_U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dBspl3Curve3d
- getList()
: hds::db::Object
, hds::db::ProjectQSql
, hds::db::SeismicQSql
- getMagnitograms()
: UDBSeis
- getMainTickPrec()
: ZqbNatGroup
- getMainTickStep()
: ZqbNatGroup
- getMainWindow()
: QzqArea
- getMargin()
: ZqbPixGroup
, ZqbPixGrpManager
, ZqbPixGroup
, ZqbPixGrpManager
- getMark()
: ZqCoordMarker
- getMarks()
: ZqCoordMarker
- getMathSurf()
: U3dBound
- getMatrix()
: PolarityWaveDetector
- getMatrixItem()
: PolarityWaveDetector
- getMaxCurvature()
: U3dMathAbstractSurface
- getMaxLineDeviation()
: Spl_U3dSimpleBspl3Curve
, Spl_U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dBspl3Curve3d
- getMaxStride()
: psc::TsContainer
- getMessages()
: dcf::IPCMsgMan
- getMessagesNum()
: dcf::IPCMsgMan
- GetMGArea()
: RTMigr
- getMigrCube()
: U3dMigr
- getMigrCubeDummy()
: U3dMigr
- getMigrCubeRec()
: U3dMigr
- getMigrCubeSP()
: U3dMigr
- GetMigrGrid()
: RTMigr
- GetMigrGridRec()
: RTMigr
- GetMigrGridSP()
: RTMigr
- getMinGridStep()
: U3dPRGrid3d
, U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurf4d
, U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurface
- getMinGridStepX()
: U3dAbstractPRGrid2d
- getMinMaxAmpl()
: ZqbRealTrace
- GetMinRc()
: Spline
- GetMod2d()
: RTMigr
- getModel()
: U3dRayTracing
- getModelAreaPos()
: U3dModel
- GetModelAz()
: Vel2dModel
- getModelBox()
: U3dModel
- getModelVol()
: db_volume_manager
- GetModelXY()
: Vel2dModel
- getModName()
: UDBSeis
- getModuleContext()
: hds::ModuleContextXMLParser
- getMsg()
: hds::Messenger
, hds::MessengerFile
, hds::MessengerLS
, hds::MessengerStd
- GetN()
: Spline
, ParSpline
- getName()
: ZqbName
, IKP1dLayers< T >
, S2ReflKinLDB
, ZqbName
- getNameStruct()
: hds::DbtSelDlg
- getNDPS()
: UAbstractHod
- getNeighbour()
: U2dPoint
- getNeighbours()
: U3dModel
- getNMGLs()
: UAbstractHod
- getNormalLimPoints()
: U3dModel
- getObserverPID()
: dcf::ProcessObserver
- getOffset()
: ZqBBox
- getOffsets()
: UAbstractHod
, UDBSeis
- GetOOMFlag()
: RayInfo
- getOOMFlag()
: U3dRay
- getOrderP()
: U3dSVRGMathBSSurface
- getOrderQ()
: U3dSVRGMathBSSurface
- getOrientation()
: ZqLithColumn
, ZqCoordMarker
, ZqScaledPalette
, ZqCoordMarker
, ZqLithColumn
, ZqScaledPalette
- getOS()
: U3dAbstractSeis
, AbstractSeis
, U3dAbstractSeis
- getOSBox()
: U3dAbstractSeis
- getOSType()
: S2ReflKinLDB
- getPalette()
: ZqSurface
, ZqScaledPalette
, ZqSurface
- getParameters()
: psc::Solver
, psc::Accumulator
, S2ReflSim
- getParams()
: S2PolyWaveApprox
- GetParams()
: Vel2dModel
- getParentGroup()
: ZqbPixGroup
- getPen()
: ZqScale
, ZqBBox
, ZqCurve
, ZqBBox
, ZqCoordMarker
, ZqGrid
, ZqScale
, ZqTitle
, ZqCoordMarker
, ZqCurve
, ZqGrid
, ZqTitle
- getPKZ()
: U3dBody
- getPlace()
: ZqObject
- getPlacement()
: ZqScale
- getPlaneAxeIntrpl()
: U3dDataCube
- getPlaneAxeSimple()
: U3dDataCube
- getPlaneFacet()
: U3dDataCube
- getPoint()
: U3dBspl3Surface3d
, Spl_U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dBspl3Surface4d
, U3dMathAbstractSurface
, U3dTriangledAbstractSurface
, U3dBound
, U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurf4d
, U3dSVRGMathBSSurface
, U3dSVRGMathBspl3Surf4d
, U3dTriangledAbstractSurface
, U3dSVRGMathBspl3Surface
, U3dMathAbstractSurface
- GetPoints()
: Spline
- getPoints()
: U3dTriangledAbstractSurface
, U3dRay
, U3dTriangledAbstractSurface
- GetPoints()
: RayInfo
- getPointsNum()
: U3dTriangledAbstractSurface
, U3dRay
- GetPointsNum()
: RayInfo
- getPointsNum()
: U3dTriangledAbstractSurface
- getPoissonsRatio()
: U3dRayDynCalculator
- getPolarityParams()
: PolarityWaveDetector
- getProcPID()
: dcf::ProcessObserver
- getProject()
: hds::db::Factory
, hds::db::Seismic
, hds::db::FactoryQSql
- getPSCDirs()
: S2LDBAccess
, S2AbstractDBAccess
- getPSCStrides()
: S2AbstractDBAccess
, S2LDBAccess
- GetPSpX()
: ParSpline
- GetPSpXs()
: ParSpline
- GetPSpZ()
: ParSpline
- GetPSpZs()
: ParSpline
- getPV()
: U3dBody
- getQP()
: S2TracesQuality3D
, S2TracesQuality
- getQuality()
: S2TracesQuality
, S2TracesQuality3D
- getR0()
: U3dRayDynCalculator
- getRange()
: ZqbScaledPalette
- getRangeMode()
: ZqRubberBox
, ZqRubberLine
, ZqRubberBox
, ZqRubberLine
- getRaster()
: ZqbLithEngine
- getRayCode()
: U3dRay
- GetRayCode()
: RayInfo
- getRayCodeNum()
: U3dRay
- GetRayCodeNum()
: RayInfo
- getRayCodeNum()
: U3dRay
- GetRayIBNums()
: RayInfo
- getRayInt()
: U3dRay
- GetRayInt()
: RayInfo
- getRayInt()
: U3dRay
- GetRayInt1()
: RayInfo
- GetRayIntN()
: RayInfo
- getRayIntNum()
: U3dRay
- GetRayIntNum()
: RayInfo
- getRayLastInt()
: U3dRay
- GetRayNInt()
: RayInfo
- getRayPoits()
: U3dRay
- getRayWInt()
: U3dRay
- GetRayWInt()
: RayInfo
- GetRayWInt1()
: RayInfo
- GetRayWIntNum()
: RayInfo
- getRayWIntNum()
: U3dRay
- getReady()
: U3dRTModRayShooter
, UAGStorage
, U3dGrid
, U3dRTModRayShooter
, AbstractSeis
, U3dDataCube
, U3dAbstractSeis
, U3dDataCube
, U3dAbstractSeis
, U3dVSPSignal
, U3dRTMod
, U3dModel
, U3dMigr
, U3dModel
, U3dRTMod
- GetReady()
: RTMigr
- getReady()
: U3dGrid
- getRec()
: U3dObservSys
, U3dAbstractSeis
, AbstractSeis
, UAGStorage
, U3dObservSys
- getRecNum()
: U3dAbstractSeis
, UAGStorage
, U3dObservSys
, U3dAbstractSeis
- GetRecNum()
: ObservSys
- getRecNum()
: U3dAbstractWField
, AbstractSeis
- getRect()
: ZqbVisible
, ZqObject
, ZqbVisible
, ZqLayout
, ZqbPlaceholder
- getRecvLinesIds()
: S2LDBAccess
, S2AbstractDBAccess
- getRecvsIds()
: S2AbstractDBAccess
, S2LDBAccess
- getRecvsOnLineIds()
: S2LDBAccess
, S2AbstractDBAccess
- GetRecXZ()
: ObservSys
- GetRecXZs()
: ObservSys
- getRedefinedCustomCoord()
: ZqCustomScale
- getRelations()
: U3dBound
- getRoot()
: U3dGrid
, U3dEqAbstractSolve
, UEqAbstractSolve
, U3dGrid
- getRotateFlag()
- getRParam()
: U3dBody
- GetRParam()
: BodyParam
- getRParam()
: U3dBody
- getRPS()
: UAbstractHod
- getRTRType()
: U3dRayDynCalculator
- getSampleNum()
: U3dAbstractWField
- getSamplesCount()
: UDBSeis
- getSamplesNum()
: S2LDBAccess
, dba::Seismic
, S2AbstractDBAccess
, dba::LdbSeismic
- getSampleTime()
: U3dAbstractWField
- getSBSize()
: SpectrWaveDetector
- getSBStep()
: SpectrWaveDetector
- getScale()
: hds::ScaleWidget
- getScaleFactor()
: ZqZoom
- getScreenPainter()
: ZqbPlaceholder
, ZqbVisible
, ZqObject
, ZqbPlaceholder
, ZqbVisible
, ZqObject
- GetSD()
: RayInfo
- getSecondaryOrder()
: ZdCoordObjStream
, hds::db::ZdSeismic
, hds::ZdLdbSeismic
- getSecondDerivative()
: UBspl3Curve1d
- GetSeis()
: RTMigr
- getSeis()
: U3dMigr
- getSeismic()
: hds::db::FactoryQSql
, hds::db::Factory
- getSeismicFile()
: ZdF3DSeismic
- getSeisType()
: UDBSeis
- getSelector()
: hds::db::SeismicQSql
, hds::db::Seismic
- getSensExtWidth()
: ZqRubberBox
- getShapeParameter()
: U3dSVRGMathCRom3Surface
- getShotLinesIds()
: S2LDBAccess
, S2AbstractDBAccess
- GetShotPoint()
: ObservSys
- getShotsIds()
: S2AbstractDBAccess
, S2LDBAccess
- getShotsOnLineIds()
: S2AbstractDBAccess
, S2LDBAccess
- getSideColor()
: U3dBound
, U3dPlaneTriangledSurface
, U3dTriangledAbstractSurface
, U3dBound
, U3dPlaneTriangledSurface
, U3dTriangledAbstractSurface
- GetSigma()
: Spline
- getSignature()
: U3dBody
- getSize()
: ZqbPixGrpMember
, ZqbPixGroup
, ZqbPixGrpControl
, ZqbPixGroup
, ZqbPixGrpMember
, ZqbPixGrpControl
- getSKZ()
: U3dBody
- getSortType()
: UAbstractHod
- getSP()
: U3dObservSys
, U3dAbstractSeis
, UAGStorage
- getSp()
: U3dSimpleBspl3Curve
, Spl_U3dSimpleBspl3Curve
- getSP()
: U3dObservSys
, U3dAbstractSeis
- getSp()
: U3dSimpleBspl3Surface
, Spl_U3dSimpleBspl3Surface
, U3dSimpleBspl3Curve
, U3dSimpleBspl3Surface
- getSP()
: AbstractSeis
- getSpace()
: ZqbPixGroup
, ZqbPixGrpManager
, ZqbPixGroup
, ZqbPixGrpManager
- GetSPFlags()
: ParSpline
- getSPN()
: U3dAbstractWField
- getSPNum()
: AbstractSeis
, UAGStorage
, U3dAbstractSeis
- getSpp()
: Spl_U3dSimpleBspl3Curve
, U3dSimpleBspl3Curve
, Spl_U3dSimpleBspl3Surface
, U3dSimpleBspl3Surface
- getSpq()
: U3dSimpleBspl3Surface
, Spl_U3dSimpleBspl3Surface
, U3dSimpleBspl3Surface
- getSPS()
: UAbstractHod
- getSq()
: Spl_U3dSimpleBspl3Surface
, U3dSimpleBspl3Surface
- getSqq()
: U3dSimpleBspl3Surface
, Spl_U3dSimpleBspl3Surface
, U3dSimpleBspl3Surface
- getStartParams()
: U3dRay
- GetStartParams()
: RayInfo
- getSteps()
: U3dMigr
- getSubTickFreq()
: ZqbNatGroup
- getSurfSource()
: U3dRTModRayShooter
- getSV()
: U3dBody
- getSVOptions()
: ZdF3DSeismic
- getT0()
: dba::Seismic
, dba::LdbSeismic
- getTbeg()
: UDBSeis
- getTend()
: UDBSeis
- getTertiaryOrder()
: ZdCoordObjStream
, hds::db::ZdSeismic
, hds::ZdLdbSeismic
- getText()
: ZqTitle
- getThickness()
: ZqPolygon
, ZqRubberLine
, ZqScaledPalette
, ZqPolygon
, ZqScaledPalette
, ZqSeismicTrace
, ZqRubberBox
, ZqRubberLine
, ZqRubberBox
, ZqSeismicTrace
- getThreadStatus()
: dcf::ThreadCalcBlock
- getTime()
: U3dRayTracing
- getTimeNaturalGroup()
: hds::SeismicArea
- getTimeRanges()
: hds::SAManualZoomDialog
- getTimes()
: ZqbAbstrTrace
- getTimeStep()
: dba::LdbSeismic
, S2AbstractDBAccess
, dba::Seismic
, S2LDBAccess
, UDBSeis
- getTipContents()
: ZqSeismicView
- GetTopBN()
: Body
- getTrace()
: S2AbstractDBAccess
, dba::Seismic
, dba::LdbSeismicPolycor
, dba::LdbSeismic
, AbstractSeis
, S2LDBAccess
- getTraceLength()
: U3dAbstractSeis
, UAGStorage
, U3dAbstractSeis
- getTracesNum()
: dba::Seismic
, S2AbstractDBAccess
, dba::LdbSeismicPolycor
, S2LDBAccess
, dba::LdbSeismic
- getTraceStep()
: U3dAbstractSeis
, UAGStorage
- getTraceWinOp()
: TracePredictor
- getTrHdrVal()
: hds::SEGY
- getTriangle()
: U3dTriangledAbstractSurface
, U3dBound
, U3dTriangledAbstractSurface
- getTrianglePoints()
: U3dBound
- getTrianglesNum()
: U3dTriangledAbstractSurface
- getTrLen()
: U3dAbstractWField
- getTrSet()
: UDBSeis
- getTrSetPtr()
: hds::ZdLdbSeismic
, dba::LdbSeismic
- getTrSurf()
: U3dBound
- getType()
: ZqbName
, U3dBspl3Surface3d
, U3dBspl3Surface4d
- getUnitsCount()
: dcf::ThreadManager
, dcf::Manager
- GetV0()
: BodyParam
- getValue()
: U3dDataCube
- getValuesList()
: ZdUSeismic
- getVel()
: U3dModel
- GetVel()
: Vel2dModel
- getVel()
: U3dModel
- GetVelGr()
: Vel2dModel
- getVelGrad()
: U3dModel
- getVels()
: U3dBody
- getVolumeHeader()
: hds::db::Seismic
, hds::db::SeismicQSql
- getW()
: U2dWPoint
- getWave()
: U3dRTMod
, WSel::Selector
, RWSel::Selector
- getWaveField()
: dba::Seismic
, S2LDBAccess
, S2AbstractDBAccess
, S2LDBAccess
- getWavefield()
: UDBSeis
- getWaveField()
: S2LDBAccess
, S2AbstractDBAccess
- getWavefieldHeaders()
: UDBSeis
- getWavefieldSize()
: UDBSeis
- getWeight()
: ZqbPixGroup
- getWeightsDistribution()
: S2TracesQuality
, S2TracesQuality3D
- getWellCurve()
: U3dObservSys
- getWhitePoint()
: U3dTriangledAbstractSurface
- getWidthHint()
: ZqLithColumn
- getWinPolarityParams()
: PolarityWaveDetector
- getX()
: U3dPoint
, Spl_U3dPoint
, U2dPoint
, U3dPoint
- getX1()
: U3dPoint4d
- getX2()
: U3dPoint4d
- getX3()
: U3dPoint4d
- getX4()
: U3dPoint4d
- getXMax()
: U2dBox
, U3dBox
- getXMin()
: U3dBox
, U2dBox
, U3dBox
- getXSize()
: U3dBox
, U2dBox
- getXYZ()
: U3dMathAbstractSurface
- getXYZp()
: U3dBspl3Surface3d
, Spl_U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dSVRGMathBspl3Surface
, U3dMathAbstractSurface
, U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dMathAbstractSurface
- getXYZpp()
: U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dSVRGMathBspl3Surface
, U3dMathAbstractSurface
, U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dBspl3Surface3d
, Spl_U3dBspl3Curve3d
, U3dMathAbstractSurface
- getXYZpq()
: U3dMathAbstractSurface
, U3dSVRGMathBspl3Surface
, U3dMathAbstractSurface
, U3dBspl3Surface3d
- getXYZq()
: U3dSVRGMathBspl3Surface
, U3dMathAbstractSurface
, U3dBspl3Surface3d
- getXYZqq()
: U3dBspl3Surface3d
, U3dSVRGMathBspl3Surface
, U3dMathAbstractSurface
- GetXZ()
: ParSpline
, Spline
- getY()
: Spl_U3dPoint
, U3dPoint
- getYMax()
: U3dBox
- getYMin()
: U3dBox
- getYSize()
: U3dBox
- getZ()
: Spl_U3dPoint
, U2dPoint
, U3dPoint
- getZMax()
: U3dBox
, U2dBox
, U3dBox
- getZMin()
: U3dBox
, U2dBox
- getZoeppritzCoeff()
: U3dRayDynCalculator
- getZoomMode()
: ZqZoom
- getZqArea()
: hds::SeismicAreaWidget
, hds::ScaleWidget
- getZSize()
: U2dBox
, U3dBox
- gh_block_number
: SEGD_GeneralHeaderN
, SEGD_GeneralHeader2
- gh_number
: SEGD_GeneralHeader1
- globalAmplInfo()
: ZdSeismicFile
, ZdUSeismic
, ZdSeismicFile
, hds::ZdLdbSeismic
- go_first_coord()
: ZTrSetStream
, ZCoordObjStream
- go_next_coord()
: ZTrSetStream
, ZCoordObjStream
- goFirstCoord()
: ZdCoordObj< T >
, ZdUSeismic
, ZdCoordObjStream
, ZdCoordObj< T >
, hds::ZdLdbSeismic
, ZdLithVector
, hds::db::ZdSeismic
, ZqCustomScale::DefCoordObjStream
, ZdCoordObjStream
- goNextCoord()
: ZdCoordObjStream
, ZdCoordObj< T >
, hds::ZdLdbSeismic
, ZdCoordObjStream
, hds::db::ZdSeismic
, ZqCustomScale::DefCoordObjStream
, ZdLithVector
, ZdCoordObj< T >
, ZdUSeismic
, ZdLithVector
- good_bye_server()
: UrcDB1Client
- good_line_range()
: DbBufStorage
- grd_x
: U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurface
- grd_x1
: U3dPRGrid3d
, U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurf4d
- grid
: U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurf4d
, U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurface
, U3dPRGrid3d
- GridCell()
: U3dAbstractPRGrid2d::GridCell
, U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurface::GridCell
- gridCrusher()
: U3dModel
- GridIso()
: sim::fdm::GridIso
- GridLine
: U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurface
, U3dAbstractPRGrid2d
- GridMatrix
: U3dSVRGMathAbstractSurface
, U3dAbstractPRGrid2d
- gridStep()
: psc::Correlator
- group()
: ZqbPixGrpManager
, ZqbNatGrpMember
, ZqbPixGrpManager
, ZqbPixGrpMember
, ZqbNatGrpMember
- grtGrid()
: U3dBspl3Surface3d