| ZtSeismicTrace (ZtMain *pManager, ZGroupId pxid, ZGroupId pyid, ZGroupId nxid, ZGroupId nyid, ZDimension timeorient) |
| ZtSeismicTrace (ZtMain *pManager, ZGroupId pxid_int, ZGroupId pyid_int, ZGroupId pxid_ext, ZGroupId pyid_ext, ZGroupId nxid, ZGroupId nyid, ZDimension timeorient) |
void | describe_data (unsigned n_samples, float dt, float t0=0.0) |
void | describe_data (const ZTracePar &ztp) |
void | attach_data (float coord, const float *body, const ZTracePar *ptrpar=NULL) |
void | detach_data () |
Logic | get_status_of_data () const |
virtual void | draw_trace (float coord, int half_area, const float *body, const ZTracePar *ptrpar=NULL) |
virtual void | outline_trace (const float *body, ZTraceNodeAr &outline, const ZTracePar *ptrpar=NULL) |
virtual void | extent_rect (ZRect &res) |
virtual void | redraw () |
virtual Logic | belong (int px, int py) const |
virtual void | set_options (const ZSVOptions &svo, int svo_mask=~0) |
virtual void | get_options (ZSVOptions &svo, int svo_mask=~0) const |
virtual const ZSVOptions & | get_options () const |
void | set_max_ampl (float ma) |
float | get_max_ampl () const |
void | set_pixel_height (int ph) |
void | sync_pixel_height_from (ZtSeismicView *vSV, float fGain=1.0) |
void | sync_pixel_height_from (ZtSeismicTrace *vST, float fGain=1.0) |
int | get_pixel_height () const |
void | set_bar_draw (ZBarDraw *pdr) |
ZBarDraw * | get_bar_draw () const |
virtual const char * | class_id () const |
void | set_time2coord (int n, const float *t, const float *c) |
void | reset_time2coord () |
| ZtObject (ZtMain *pManager, ZGroupId pxid, ZGroupId pyid) |
| ZtObject (ZtMain *pManager, ZGroupId pxid, ZGroupId pyid, ZDimension dim, ZGroupId nid) |
| ZtObject (ZtMain *pManager, ZGroupId pxid, ZGroupId pyid, ZGroupId nxid, ZGroupId nyid) |
| ZtObject (const ZtObject &zobj) |
ZtMain * | get_manager () const |
virtual void | prepare_xywh () |
ZNCoordSlave & | nx () const |
ZNCoordSlave & | ny () const |
Logic | is_vertical () const |
Logic | is_horizontal () const |
float | x_p2n (int pcoord) const |
float | y_p2n (int pcoord) const |
int | x_n2p (float ncoord) const |
int | y_n2p (float ncoord) const |
Logic | clip_line_by_rect (float sx[2], float sy[2]) const |
Logic | clip_line_by_rect (int sx[2], int sy[2]) const |
Logic | clip_line_by_rect (float sx[2], float sy[2], float nx[2], float ny[2]) const |
Logic | clip_line_by_rect (float sx[2], float sy[2], int px[2], int py[2]) const |
Logic | clip_rect_by_rect (float rcx[2], float rcy[2]) const |
Logic | clip_rect_by_rect (float rx[2], float ry[2], float cx[2], float cy[2]) const |
void | seldom_redraw (Logic flag) |
Logic | is_seldom_redraw () const |
void | changes () |
void | done () |
Logic | is_changed () const |
virtual void | expose () |
virtual void | can_hear_events (Logic flag) |
Logic | is_deaf () const |
virtual ZInputStatus | input (const XEvent *xev) |
virtual void | show () |
virtual void | hide () |
Logic | is_hidden () const |
void | raise_exch () |
void | raise_shift () |
void | wePutMsg (int elevel, const char *s) |
void | weFormatMsg (int elevel, const char *format,...) |
void | put_msg (int elevel, const char *format, va_list val) |
void | format_msg (int elevel, const char *format,...) |
void | set_info_lines (InfoLine *il) |
InfoLine * | get_info_lines () const |
| ZDrawable (const ZConnect &zconnect, Drawable drawable) |
| ZDrawable (const ZDrawable &zdrawable) |
virtual ZRect | rect () const |
void | draw_text (int x, int y, int attachment, const char *szText) const |
void | draw_text (const ZRect &box, int alignment, const char *szText) const |
void | write_tiff (const char *path, ZmImageRemarks *remarks=NULL) |
void | write_png (const char *path, ZmImageRemarks *remarks=NULL) |
| ZGEnv (const ZConnect &zconnect) |
| ZGEnv (const ZGEnv &zgenv) |
void | set_foreground (const char *szColorName) |
void | set_foreground (ColorPixel cp) |
ColorPixel | get_foreground () const |
const char * | get_foreground_name () const |
void | set_background (const char *szColorName) |
void | set_background (ColorPixel cp) |
ColorPixel | get_background () const |
const char * | get_background_name () const |
void | swap_ground () |
void | assign (const ZGEnv &zgenv) |
void | set_line_width (int new_width) |
int | get_line_width () const |
void | set_line_style (int new_style, int dash=3, int hole=3) |
int | get_line_style () const |
void | set_font (const char *szFontName) |
void | set_font_as (const ZGEnv &zgenv) |
Font | get_font () const |
const char * | get_font_name () const |
int | text_width (const char *szText) const |
int | text_width (int n) const |
int | text_height () const |
int | text_ascent () const |
int | text_descent () const |
ZRect | text_rect (int x, int y, int attachment, const char *szText) const |
virtual void | changed_state (int mask_of_changes) |
ZGEnv & | operator= (const ZGEnv &zgenv) |
| ZConnect (Display *display) |
| ZConnect (const ZConnect &zconnect) |
void | flush () |
void | x_error (int code) const |
ZRect | rect (Drawable drawable) const |
int | depth (Drawable drawable) const |
Window | root_wid () const |
ColorPixel | white () const |
ColorPixel | black () const |
ColorPixel | color (const char *szColorName) const |
| ZRect (const ZPoint &zpoint1, const ZPoint &zpoint2) |
| ZRect (const ZPoint &zpoint, const ZSize &zsize, ZCorner zcorner=zcLeftTop) |
| ZRect (const ZRect &zrect) |
virtual void | move (const ZPoint &zpoint, ZCorner zcorner=zcLeftTop) |
virtual Logic | inside (const ZPoint &zpoint) const |
virtual | operator XRectangle () const |
void | print (const char *szEnd="\n") const |
bool | operator== (const ZRect &zrect) const |
bool | operator!= (const ZRect &zrect) const |
| ZPoint (int x_coord, int y_coord) |
| ZPoint (const ZPoint &zpoint) |
| operator XPoint () const |
void | add_offset (const ZSize &zsize) |
void | sub_offset (const ZSize &zsize) |
void | print (const char *szEnd="\n") const |
bool | operator== (const ZPoint &zpoint) const |
bool | operator!= (const ZPoint &zpoint) const |
| ZSize (int width, int height) |
| ZSize (const ZSize &zsize) |
void | difference (const ZPoint &zpoint1, const ZPoint &zpoint2) |
void | print (const char *szEnd="\n") const |
bool | operator== (const ZSize &zsize) const |
bool | operator!= (const ZSize &zsize) const |
| ZScaledPalette (const ZConnect &zconnect) |
| ZScaledPalette (const ZPalette &zpal) |
| ZScaledPalette (const ZScaledPalette &zpal) |
unsigned | coord_to_index (float coord) const |
void | index_to_coord_range (unsigned index, float coord[2]) const |
void | get_scale (FloatAr &scale) |
ColorPixel | color (float coord) const |
const char * | color_name (float coord) const |
ColorPixel & | fetch_color (float coord) |
ColorPixel & | operator[] (float coord) |
virtual void | remove_color (float coord) |
void | scale_assign (const FloatAr &scale) |
void | scale_equal_range (float mm[2]) |
virtual void | add_color (ColorPixel theColorPixel) |
virtual void | insert_color (unsigned index, ColorPixel theColorPixel) |
virtual void | remove_color (unsigned index) |
virtual void | reset_colors () |
virtual void | revert_order () |
| ZPalette (const ZConnect &zconnect) |
| ZPalette (const ZPalette &zpal) |
virtual | ~ZPalette () |
virtual void | set_smooth_rate (int n=100) |
virtual void | load_palette (const char *szPalName) |
virtual void | append_palette (const char *szPalName) |
virtual void | add_color (const char *szColorName) |
virtual void | add_color (float rgb[3]) |
virtual void | insert_color (unsigned index, const char *szColorName) |
virtual void | insert_color (unsigned index, float rgb[3]) |
unsigned | colors_count () const |
ColorPixel | color (unsigned index) const |
const char * | color_name (unsigned index) const |
ColorPixel & | fetch_color (unsigned index) |
ColorPixel & | operator[] (unsigned index) |
Pixmap | draw_palette (const ZSize &zs, Logic bReverse=FALSE, ZDimension dim=zdHorizontal) const |
Object for seismic trace drawing in wiggle mode. Two main ways of usage is supposed: 1) trace body is attached permanently and redrawn automatically until detach operation; *** single trace mode *** 2) preparation for data is made but not trace is attached; some external method calls for draw_data() for many traces instead. No gain control procedures are applied here! Do them outside.