UNIx VERtical Seismic
The present pages describe API of UNIVERS software libraries. The software is desined for the following purposes:
- 3D VSP, 3D+VSP, walkaway VSP data processing procedures implementation with use of surface seismic and LOG data.
- High Definition Seismic (HDS) technology implementation for surface seismic data preprocessing.
- Intel/AMD x86, 64-bit CPU.
- 2GB of RAM or more.
- 500GB HDD or more.
- NVIDIA 8600 GT or better (only for CUDA facilities).
- Display with resolution at least 1280x1024.
Supported operating systems:
- RHEL / CentOS / Scientific Linux, ver 5,6,7 64-bit.
List of preinstalled packages (yum):
gcc, gcc-c++, gcc-gfortran, libgfortran, lapack, lapack-devel, libX11-devel, libXext-devel, libXpm, libXpm-devel, libXaw, libXaw-devel, xterm, mariadb, mariadb-devel, mariadb-libs, cups-devel, freeglut, freeglut-devel, ksh, motif, motif-devel, tix, tix-devel, tk, tk-devel, byacc, libtiff, libtiff-devel, flex, flex-devel, dbus-devel, xorg-x11-font.
Additional libraries and software:
- cmake ver. 3.0.2
- fftw ver. 3.3.5
- lapackpp ver. 2.5.4
- qt3 ver. 3.3.8
- qt4 ver. 4.7.x or newer
- csi - Client-server interaction using parameters exchange protocol (PEP).
- dcf - Destributed computing facilities (dcf).
- hds_batch - HDS batch modules processing (hds).
- hds_db - HDS database (hds::db).
- hds_db_bridge - HDS bridge to database (hds::db).
- hds_formats - HDS formats (hds).
- hds_ldb_bridge - HDS bridge to LDB (hds).
- hds_widgets - HDS widgets (hds).
- hds_xml - HDS XML facilities (hds).
- ldb - Local data base toolkit.
- mix - Miscellaneous general purpose features.
- mod3d - 1D-3D ray trace modeling.
- mth - Common mathematical algorithms.
- rbm - ray based methods.
- s2proc - surface seismic processing procedures.
- tv - visualization of traces based on zm.
- vel2dmod - 2D ray trace modeling.
- vel3dmod - 3D ray trace modeling.
- zm - GUI on OpenMotif, Xlib, SDSTOOL.
- zq - Zqools library for Qt3.
- zq4 - Zqools library for Qt4.
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