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Statics for depth difference.

SDEPTH PEP-клиент.


Soluble problems and method

The program is intended for calculation of the static corrections for dispersion of depthes of exitation. The obtained corrections are loaded in the table STLIST.

Interaction with other programs

The program is PEP-client, thus it is started from under the shell of packet execution pktexec, which gives tools for setting the parameters, control of execution of the program and viewing the protocol of program operation.



Setting of parameters and start of the program is performed from under the shell of the packet execution program pktexec. The standard session consists of the following steps:

  1. Start of the program from the menu of the package UNIVERS. (menu item Standard processing - > Statics for depth difference).
  2. Setting of the input and output tables, which contain values of the static corrections and where the results of calculation will be written.
  3. Selection of mode of the program operation: Depth unification way. The mode of calculation of datum plane depth as the average median value is set as default. In the other mode the datum plane is set explicidly and is counted from a well head.
  4. The setting of Datum plane depth for all SP and velocity in ledge rock Basic velocity for all SP. These parameters are necessary for operation in the mode of the explicid setting of datum plane depth.
  5. Start of the program on execution (button Start in the toolbar or menu item SDEPTH - > Start).
  6. To view the table of result it is necessary to press the button View for a name of the output data base table in the panel of results.

    To view the protocol of passing of the program it is necessary to press the button View log in the toolbar or to select the menu item SDEPTH - > View log.

  7. To exit the environment of packet execution it is necessary to press the button Exit in the toolbar or to select the menu item File - > Exit.

Parameters of processing

Input parameters (panel Parameters)

Name: Input statics corrections
The type: dbname_s
The description: the initial data base table with variant of the static corrections from the list STLIST.
Name: Output statics corrections
The type: dbname_e (STLIST)
The description: name of the table with the static corrections, where the results of calculation of the static corrections will be written. It can be new or already existing table. In all cases the resulting table will represent a copy of the initial table, in which the static corrections for dispersion of depthes of exitation of STDH are added.
Name: Depth unification way
The type: enum
The description: switching of mode of operation of the program. In the mode Median depth for SP the program for each SP determines the average- median depth of exitation and determines the corrections concerning this depth. In the mode Datum plane depth for all SP the corrections are calculated for all SP for the set depth. In this mode it is necessary to set depth and velocity in the ledge rocks.
Name: Datum plane depth for all SP
The type: float
The description: datum plane depth for calculation of the static corrections in the mode Datum plane depth for all SP. The depth is set concerning a deep well head.
Name: Basic velocity for all SP
The type: float
The description: velocity in ledge rocks. Is applied if the head of the shot well is located deeper than the datum plane.

Information of an operating time of the program (panel Runtime)

Name: Panel has no parameters of processing

Parameters of results (panel Results)

Name: Output statics corrections
The type: dbname_s
The description: data base table with the variant of static corrections, where the results of calculation are written.
Name: Resulting datum plane
The type: int
The description: datum plane depth, to which the static corrections were reduced.

User interface

For detailed acquaintance with user interface of the package execution program, see the description of the program pktexec. An example of the window of the shell with the active panel of input of parameters is shown below:

Input data

Data base tables

In the program the tables SHOLELIST, SMSKLIST and LSMGLIST are used. Except these tables, the input table STINFO, which forms the basis for calculation of the static correctionsis, is used.

Output data

Data base tables

The data base table STINFO with variant of the static corrections, where the results of calculation included in the table - list STLIST are written

Requirements to the environment

Operational environment

The program gets a name of the operative project through a variable of the environment PROJECT. If the program is started from under the shell, this condition is fulfilled by selection of the operative project.

The program determines the location of the system files of the package from a variable VSPHOME, defined in the user`s profile or in the file setup in a home directory of the user of the package. In the file setup the given variable can appear also under the name of VSP.

Used files

The program searches for the description of parameters in files $VSPHOME/etc/setstat.pep and $VSPHOME/etc/vsp.pep.

The user`s home directory should contain a setup file. This file should contain paths to the directories of data, jobs and protocols of execution of the projects and also paths to the system files of the VSP package.

Other requirements

Other requirements are defined by the shell of the packet execution program pktexec.

Messages to the user

Bringing messages to the notice of the user

All messages are moved to the standard stream of errors. If the program is started from under the interactive shell, the messages are saved to the file of the protocol of the transmission of the job LOG/$PROJECT/setstat-#.log. The messages of classes EL_FATAL and EL_ERROR are placed in the area of messages of the interactive shell after the program termination.

7.2. Description of the information messages

After a program termination in the LOG-file the result of calculation of the static corrections is given.
n/n = 1 FMG = 10 np = 1 datum = 50.00 Tdh = 40.00 - example of string in the LOG-file, which tells us, that for a magnitogram 10 for datum plane depth of 50 meters the correction is 40 milliseconds

7.3. Description of the diagnostic messages

  • Resulting table is not defined - the output table is not defined.
  • Velocity is not defined - velocity in ledge rocks is not defined.
  • Can not allocate memory buffer for Sdepth - there is no memory for operation of the program.
  • Can not create new table - error at creation of the table of result.
  • Can not open table SHOLE - there is no table of SP data definition.
  • Can not open table SMSK - there is no table of MSK data definition.
  • Can not open table LSMG - there is no LSMG table.
  • Error in table VSP.LSMG - error at reading the table VSP.LSMG.
  • in table VSP.MSLLIST OR VSP.WELL.. MSLDAT.n - error at reading the table MSLDAT.
  • in table VSP.SHOLELIST or VSP.WELL.. SPDAT.n - error at reading the table SPLDAT.
  • In LSMG missing FMG = ?? - in the table LSMG there is no magnitogram with indicated number.

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