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Spike noise suppression.

AFSN PEP-клиент.


Solved problems.

The program is intended for suppression in a trace impulse noises.

Interaction with other programs.

The program is PEP-client, that is, it is launched from under a shell of batch start-up pktexec, submitting tools under orders of parameters, management of realization and scanning of the protocol of operation of the program. 



The setting of parameters and start-up of the program happens from under a shell of batch start-up pktexec. The typical session consists of following steps:

  1. Start of the program from the menu of a package of the VSP.
  2. The setting of the project in which catalogue of the data there is an initial modification (item of menu File-> Project...).
  3. The setting of input parameters:
    • input modification for editing;
    • range of cable depths for processing;
    • sizes of the minimal excess of amplitude of peak above noise level;
    • borders of the high-frequency filter for suppression of a signal;
    • quantities of iterations;
    • output modification for record of the edited traces;
  4. Start-up of the program on realization (button Start in the toolbar or choice AFSN - > Start)..
  5. In execution time of editing the text information line informing is given out, what stage of works is carried out, and also scroll box, showing relative number of already edited traces.
  6. For viewing the report of passage of the program it is necessary to press button View log in the panel of tools or to choose item of menu AFSN-> View log.
  7. For exit from environment of batch start it is necessary to press button Exit in the panel of tools or to choose item of menu File-> Exit.

Parameters of processing.

Directive parameters (panel Parameters).

"Input data modification "
Name: inmod
The type: nmod_s
Description: the Input modification of traces for editing.
Cable depth range for processing (m)
Name: hrange
The type: float2
Description: the Range of cable depths for processing. Outside of this range traces are not processed, but writing in an output modification. The traces getting in this range, are editing.
"Minimal spike excess above noise level [> 1] "
Name: ksig
The type: float
Description: the Minimal excess of peak over an average level of noise. Value of parameter should be more than 1. Recommended value of parameter 3.
"High-pass filter for signal reduction (Hz) "
Name: frange
The type: float2
Description: the High-frequency filter for suppression of a signal. The filter is set by two frequencies: the first specifies the beginning of a slope of the filter, the second specifies the end of a slope of the filter.
"Quantity of iterations [1-5] "
Name: iter
The type: int
Description: Quantity of iterations for determining of parameters of a noise. Allowable values from 1 up to 5. Recommended value of parameter 3.
"Output data modification "
Name: outmod
The type: nmod_e
Description: the Output modification of the edited traces.

Information of a burn-time of the program (panel Runtime).

Name: state
The type: string
Description: the Information line displaying a stage of work of the program.
"Done traces: "
Name: runner
The type: progress
Description: Shows a share of the edited traces.
"Trace cable depth "
Name: hcab
The type: float
Description: Shows the current cable depth.
"Trace logical magnitogram number "
Name: nmgl
The type: int
Description: Shows logic number of the magnitogram of the current trace.
"Spike noise quantity "
Name: ncount
The type: int
Description: Shows quantity of the found impulse noises in the current trace.

Parameters of results (panel Results).

"Output data modification "
Name: outmod
The type: nmod_s
Description: the Modification of the edited traces.

User interface.

For detailed acquaintance with the user interface of an environment of batch start, look the description of the program pktexec. It is given an example windows of an environment with the active panel of input of parameters below:

Input data.


Input of the program is the modification of the seismic traces containing impulse noises.

Output data.


Output of the program is the modification of the edited seismic traces.

Requirement to environment.

Operational environment.

The program gets a name of the current project in variable PROJECT. In case of start-up of the program from under a shell, this requirement is fulfilled by a select of the current project.

The program defines a location of the system files of a packet from variable VSPHOME, particular in a profile of the user or in a file setup in a home directory of the user of a packet. In a file setup this variable can appear also under a name VSP.

6.2. Used files.

The program searches for description of parameters in files $VSPHOME/etc/AFSN.pep and $VSPHOME/etc/vsp.pep.

At a home directory of the user there should be a file setup, containing paths to the directories of data, tasks and protocols of transmission of the project, and also paths to the system files of a packet of a VSP.

6.3. Other requirements.

The other requirements are superimposed by a shell of batch start-up pktexec.

Messages to the user.

Expedient of finishing of the messages up to the user.

All messages are got out in a standard stream of errors. In case of start-up of the program from under an interactive shell the messages are maintained in a file of the protocol of transmission of the task LOG/$PROJECT/SPIN-#.log. The messages of classes EL_FATAL and EL_ERROR be located after a program termination in area of the messages of an interactive shell.

Description of information messages.

The reports of information display in an information line:

"Trace NMGL=____, HCAB=____ skipped."
The trace with the specified depth and number of magnitogram has not got in the set range of cable depths and was not edited.

Description of the diagnostic messages.

The list of codes and identifiers of mistakes (designated below ERROR_IDENT), beginning with " ERROR __ " is resulted in the document Codes of mistakes of programs of package UNIVERS.

The diagnostic messages deduced in an information line:

"Minimal spike excess above noise level must be greater than 1!"

Minimal spike excess above noise level must be greater than 1!

"Quantity of iterations must be less than 6 and greater than 0!"

Quantity of iterations must be less than 6 and greater than 0!

"Couldn't open 'Sxxx' modification of input traces due to ERROR_IDENT."

It was not possible to open a modification of input traces.

"Can not create 'Sxxx' modification for edit traces due to ERROR_IDENT."

It was not possible to create an output modification.
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