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The program is intended for import of seismic traces from the VSP-PC package working under the MS DOS to the UNIVERS package passing over the description of the system of observation and other procedures of the passport system.
The program provides possibility to continue the processing of seismic data started in the VSP-PC package under MS DOS. If the passport (data definition) in VSP-PC and UNIVERS are identical, it is possible to fulfill the coprocessing of data, using programs of conversion of traces between UNIVERS and VSP-PC. The possible limitations and problems with realization of coprocessing with UNIVERS and VSP-PC are listed in item 9 of the user's Guide for the program " Seismic traces export to a VSP-PC file ".
The program is PEP-client, thus it is started from under the shell of packet execution program pktexec, which gives tools for setting of the parameters, control of execution of the program and viewing the protocol of program operation.
Setting of parameters and start of the program is performed from under the shell of the packet execution program pktexec. The standard session consists of the following steps:
- Start of the program from the menu of the package UNIVERS (Data import - > Seismic traces import from a VSP-PC file).
- Setting of the project, in which the generated modification (menu item File - > Project...) will be placed.
- Selection of the path and name of VSP-PC file, which has to be transformed to modification UNIVERS (parameter Input VSP-PC data file).
- Setting of the output UNIVERS modification (parameter Output modification).
- Indication of the type of traces, which will be generated in modification UNIVERS. In most cases it will be enough to specify As in file.
- Start of the program on execution (button Start in the toolbar or menu item FROMVSPPC - > Start).
- The user can monitor a course of operation of the program with the help of the progress-indicator on the panel of execution.
- After successful termination of the program the program should return the code 0, there should be no error messages in the information strings, and at the panel of results (Results) should be present: number of traces written in modification, its name and two strings from an input VSP-PC file identifying the program, which has created a source VSP-PC file. Near the name of the output modification it is possible to press the button View and to view the imported traces.
- To view the protocol of passing of the program it necessary to press the button View log in the toolbar or to select the menu item FROMVSPPC - > View log. Protocol contains the information from the read headers.
- To exit the environment of packet execution it is necessary to press the button Exit in the toolbar or to select the menu item File - > Exit.
- Input VSP-PC data file
- Input file of traces of the VSP-PC format. It is necessary to specify the file of traces, instead of file of the table PROF, located in the same directory and having the same name as the file of data. All traces from the indicated file of data will be written to the output modification. Traditionally the name of file of the VSP-PC traces should correspond to a mask pv??? m?? .v??, where ? is a digit.
- Output modification
- Output modification. Will contain all traces from the indicated input file.
- Type of traces
- The type of traces in output modification:
- As in file
- It is the same, as in the input file. It is necessary to specify traces of the depth and check instrument (including the case, if they are mixed in the input file). Correct recognition of the auxiliary channels takes place only if in the VSP-PC file the mark of the time break is designated as "om", and uphole time as "tv".
- Time break
- Forced installation of all traces in output modification, as traces with a time break.
- Uphole time
- Forced installation of all traces in output modification, as traces with uphole time.
- Progress of trace conversion
- Visually shows a share of the converted traces.
- Stage of processing
- Stages of execution of the program:
- Opening input data...
- Opening of the input file of VSP-PC traces.
- Creating of output modification...
- Creation of output modification.
- Writing output data...
- Conversion and writing traces to the output modification.
- Total number of traces
- Number of traces written in the output modification.
- Output modification
- Name of output modification.
- Program which created a VSP-PC file
- Name of the program which has created an input file. Usually it is one of the programs of the VSP-PC complex of processing, or program TOVSPPC of the package UNIVERS.
- Comment from a VSP-PC file
- The comment, which was written by the program, which has created an input file. Frequently it is string in Russian.
For detailed acquaintance with the user interface of the shell of the packet execution program, see the description of the program pktexec. An example of the window of the shell with active panel for input of parameters is shown below:
Input of the program is the file of VSP-PC traces. The file of the table PROF is not used by the program. The program provides import of traces with samples of the following formats: Int2, Int4, Real4, Real8. The formats Real2, Real10 are not supported.
The traces with names of components "om" and "tv" are recognized as traces of the time break and vertical hodograph.
Output of the program is the modification of traces, suitable for processing in the package UNIVERS. However, as this modification is entered passing over the passport system programs, probably, its misfit with the other data of the project can take place. The important attributes defining compatibility of the file of traces with other data of the project, are the numbers of magnitograms (NMGL), numbers of traces (NTR), types of instruments and names of components (TYPE, COMP), cable depths (HCAB) and coordinates (XSPV, YSPV, ZSPV, XOPV, YOPV, ZOPV).
The format of samples in the output modification - Real4 irrespective of the input format.
Principle of creation of the header of trace (UNIVERS < - VSP-PC):
- SIZE < - 60
- FTR < - Real4
- TBC < - Tbeg
- TEC < - Tend
- DT < - Tdt
- NMGL < - Fmg
- NTR < - Ntr
- ACT < - 1
- NMGF < - Fmg
- XSP < - Xsp
- XDP < - Xdp
- XOP < - Xpp
- TBA < - Tspl
- TEA < - Tepl + Tdt
- NSP < - Nsp
- YSP < - Ysp
- YDP < - Ydp
- YOP < - Ypp
- TRFR < - Fmg
- XSPV < - Xsp
- YSPV < - Ysp
- ZSPV < - Zsp
- XOPV < - Xpp
- YOPV < - Ypp
- ZOPV < - Zpp
- XDPV < - Xdp
- YDPV < - Ydp
- ZDPV < - Zdp
- HCAB < - Hcab
- WCODE < - " " - empty identifier of a well
- STATCOR < - 0. - static correction
- Depends on the selected type of traces:
- As in file
- If Elem = "om" that COMP [0] = 'B' and TYPE [0] = 'A'
If Elem = "tv" that COMP [0] = 'U' and TYPE [0] = 'A'
Else COMP [0] < - Elem [0] and
- If Type=0 that TYPE [0] = 'D'
- If Type=1 that TYPE [0] = 'C'
- If Type=2 that TYPE [0] = 'S'
- Time break
- COMP [0] = 'B' and TYPE [0] = 'A'
- Uphole time
- COMP [0] = 'U' and TYPE [0] = 'A'
The program gets the name of the operative project through the variable of environment PROJECT. If the program is started from under the shell, this condition is fulfilled by selection of the operative project.
The program determines the location of the system files of the package from a variable VSPHOME, defined in the profile of the user or in the file setup in the home directory of the user of the package. In the file setup the given variable can appear also under a name of VSP.
The program searches for the description of parameters in files $VSPHOME/etc/FROMVSPPC.pep and $VSPHOME/etc/vsp.pep
The user`s home directory should contain a setup file. This file should contain paths to the directories of data, jobs and protocols of execution of the projects and also paths to the system files of the UNIVERS package.
The program loads the default values of parameters from special files in the following order:
- $VSPHOME/app-defaults/FROMVSPPC.parameters.def - general-system directory of the default values of parameters.
- JOBS/$PROJECT/FROMVSPPC.parameters.def - directory of the jobs of the current project.
- HOME/.vsp/FROMVSPPC.parameters.def - directory of user's settings.
Thus, the user's settings have a priority above the general-system and the project settings.
Other requirements are defined by the shell of the packet execution program pktexec.
All messages are moved to the standard stream of errors. If the program is started from under the interactive shell, the messages are saved to the file of the protocol of the transmission of the job LOG/$PROJECT/FROMVSPPC-#.log. The messages of classes EL_FATAL and EL_ERROR are placed in the area of messages of the interactive shell after the program termination.
The program creates the detailed protocol of its operation which allows to see, what information has got in headers of traces and in the table PROF.
Example of the protocol of passing of the program with comments is shown below.
INFO: Job number is 1. INFO: Developer's level of the session is 1. INFO: Start of FROMVSPPC application. INFO: Version: unknown. INFO: Project: 200_9 INFO: Moment: 2001/02/14 17:57:25
- Standard header of the protocol of passing of the program with the indication of an application name, its version, project and moment of time.
INFO: ********************* INFO: * Trace file header * INFO: ********************* INFO: File signature: a VSP-PC INFO: File header size: 90 INFO: Date of creation: 02/02/01 INFO: Name of this file: pv001m01.v00 INFO: Source file name: the disk INFO: Creator program name: LPRI INFO: Comment: Creation of profile modification
- Listing of information available in the VSP-PC file header.
INFO: ************** INFO: * Trace 0001 * INFO: ************** INFO: Trace header size (bytes): 80 INFO: Shot point coordinate (X, Y, Z): -9.69691 -103.547 50 INFO: Receiver point coordinate (X, Y, Z): 0 0 2400 INFO: Deep point coordinate (X, Y, Z): 0 0 0 INFO: Cable depth: 2400 INFO: Time of first sample: 0 INFO: Time of last sample: 2999 INFO: Time of first useful sample: 0 INFO: Time of last useful sample: 2999 INFO: Sampling rate (ms): 1 INFO: Shot point number: 1 INFO: Shot point number: 1 INFO: Field record number: 1 INFO: Trace number within field record: 1 INFO: Code of trace: 3286 INFO: Type of trace: downhole device INFO: Component: 'z' INFO: Number of static corrections for shot point: 0 INFO: Number of static corrections for receiver point: 512 INFO: Sample format: Floating point 4 bytes
- Listing of the read header of VSP-PC trace.
INFO: End of FROMVSPPC application. INFO: Moment: 2001/02/14 17:57:29
- Label of the termination of the job with the indication of time.
The list of codes and error identifiers (designated below ERROR_IDENT), starting with " ERROR __ " is given in the document Error codes of programs of the UNIVERS package.
- " ERROR: Can't open input file '/path/pv??? m?? .v?? ' due to some-error. "
- Error at opening of an input file. Check up correctness of setting of the filename. In UNIX the names of files differ, if they are typed in the different case (upper case or lower case).
- " ERROR: File header reading failed due to ERROR_IDENT "
- Error at reading the file header. A probable reason - incorrect file format.
- " ERROR: Can't read trace #NNN header. "
- Error at reading of the trace header with the indicated number. Be sure, that the file of seismic traces instead of file of the table PROF is given as an input file.
- " ERROR: Can't convert sample format: possible bad file format. "
- Error at conversion of the sample format. A probable reason - incorrect file format.
- " ERROR: Can't allocate NNN bytes: possible bad file format. "
- It is impossible to allocate the indicated number of bytes of memory. A probable reason - incorrect file format.
- " ERROR: Can't create modificaiton ' Sxxx ' due to ERROR_IDENT. "
- Error of creation of output modification.
- " ERROR: Can't allocate trace buffer (NNN bytes). "
- It was not possible to allocate the indicated number of bytes of memory.
- " ERROR: Reading trace #NNN failed due to ERROR_IDENT. "
- Error at reading the indicated traces. A probable reason - incorrect file format.
- " ERROR: Trace #NNN writing failed due to ERROR_IDENT "
- Error at writing traces to the output modification.
- " WARNING: Samples conversion error for trace #NNN."
- The problems at conversion of a body of the indicated trace. The trace body, obtained as a result, despite of the remarked errors of conversion, was written in output modification. It is recommended to find this trace in the file and to study its contents in details for clarification of the reasons.
- The program will transform multicharacter VSP-PC components to the one-character UNIVERS component, translating of the first character of the component to the upper case. The exception is made for "om" and "tv" components, which are transformed in components 'B' and 'U' of the auxiliary instrument.
- The program does not use data from the table PROF, therefore the information on technique of observation (types of magnitograms, multipoint probes) is lost. Actually, only data from the one-dot probe can be transformed correctly.
- Seismic traces export to a VSP-PC file TOVSPPC.
- Formats of files of the seismic data: