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Подбор параметров 3D модели.

3D Model Adjusting.

ModTune Интерактивная программа.


3D Model Adjusting
The interactive program


Solved problems and method

The given program is used for the solution of the following problems:

  • Calculation of modelling hodographs of longitudinal waves first breaks.
  • 3D model adjusting. The tuning of the following parameters is possible: VP-velocity of longitudinal waves, KP-anisotropy coefficient of longitudinal waves.
  • Saving 3D of model with the changed parameters in a database.

The basic problem of the program is the adjusting of model parameters of medium. The program, as a rule, is applied in a case, when already there is a priory information about model of medium and that model is already created and is saved in a database. More often model of medium is created proceeding from data, obtained for the near shot point and also data LOG etc. If thus the available model does not satisfy removed SP, that is opportunity of its tuning for removed SP by changing of velocities and anisotropy parameters.

In the beginning we shall result the brief description of some used below concepts and terms:

  • Three-dimensional model of medium (3D model).
    The three-dimensional model of medium in the given version of the program is supposed consisting from blocks with flat different inclined borders (see..). On the physical properties medium is supposed homogeneous and transverse-isotropy. The axes of symmetry in each block can has any inclination. Apriori the three-dimensional model of medium must be effective and hodograph of the first break, calculated on model for the given system of supervision must as it is possible better to coincide with a real hodograph VSP. In the given version of a package the three-dimensional model is formed from one-dimensional model set on well. It is supposed, that on well the depths of borders of model both their angles and azimuths of an inclination are set. The three-dimensional model is formed in the item Model- > New.

  • Real hodograph.
    Real hodograph is understood as a hodograph (as a rule it is first break hodograph), obtained on a real wave field VSP. As a rule, it is a hodograph for removed SP.

  • Modelling hodograph.
    Modelling hodograph is understood calculated on 3D model as the first break hodograph of a direct longitudinal wave. The system of supervision for calculation of a modelling hodograph corresponds to system of supervision for the appropriate real hodograph loaded in the program, and is selected of the table of a database containing a real hodograph.

  • Discrepancy of real and modelling hodographs.
    As discrepancy of real and modelling hodographs are understood as a difference of times of modelling and real hodographs (T (modelling) -T (real)).

  • Active hodograph.
    Active hodograph is understood as a real hodograph loaded in the program. At loading a hodograph it becomes active and for it is possible to calculate the appropriate modelling hodograph.

  • The "hidden" hodograph.
    If the active hodograph for any reason is not necessary to the user, it can be "hidden". Thus for it the appropriate modelling hodograph will not calculated. The "hidden" hodograph at any moment can be made active again.

Interaction with other programs

The program requires of presence three-dimensional a priori model of medium obtained on the data VSP and LOG (see DIP , FBVEL2, 3DToolKit, proclog). For work of the program it is necessary also to has hodographs of the first break (see FBD).



Typical session providing loading a priori three-dimensional model and of the first break hodographs, caculation of modelling hodographs, editing of parameters of model and saving of the changed model in a database is stated on steps below.
  1. Start of the program.
    The program is started from the main menu of a package UNIVERS by selection of the menu item Kinematic processing - > 3D model adjusting.

  2. The setting of the working project.
    At start the program in information area deduces a name of the current working project. If the work with the data in the other project is required it is possible to set the current project, selecting menu itemFIle - > Project....

  3. Loading of a hodograph from a database.
    To begin work with the program first of all it is necessary to load a real hodograph (as a rule, it is the first break hodograph) from a database. The loading of a hodograph is carried out by a way by selectiom menu item Hodographs- > Load Hodograph. Thus to the user the list of hodographs, available in a database will be offered for selection. The user should select the hodograph, necessary to it, and press OK, or twice click by mouse on a line with a name of the necessary hodograph. At loading a hodograph the program reads out from the appropriate table (such as FBINFO) databases times of the first break (field TFB), and also coordinates of points of reception and shot point(field XOP, YOP, ZOP, XSP, YSP, ZSP). The hodograph is imaged in the left part of the main window of the program. If the hodograph is loaded in the program, and the user has changed it somehow, it can be reloaded. Thus it is necessary to execute the same actions, that at usual loading of a hodograph, with that only by difference, that at attempt to reload a hodograph the dialogue box will appear, where it is necessary to confirm, that the hodograph really should be reloaded or refuse from reloading. The unlimited number of hodographs can be loaded (generally speaking) in the program. First seven of them will be visualized by different colours.

  4. Loading 3D model from a database.
    The second element necessary that to begin work with the program, is the loading 3D model from a database. This operation can be carried out only after one hodograph even though is loaded already in the program. The loading of model is carried out by selection in the menu item 3D Model- > Load 3D Model. In the appeared dialogue window the list all available 3D models will appear. The user should select the model, necessary to it, and press "OK", or twice click by mouse on a line with a name of the necessary model. Further the program carries out the following operations: selecting coordinates of receivers for first from loaded hodographs, program dissects 3D model by well, parameters of those blocks of model, which it has crossed, will be visualized in the table located in the right part of the main window of the program. Parameter ZTOP corresponds to depth of a point of crossing of well with the top border of model layer, and parameters VP and KP - accordingly velocity of longitudinal waves and anisotropy coefficient of longitudinal waves of this layer.

  5. Calculation of modelling hodographs.
    For each of the hodographs, loaded in the program, it is possible to calculate the appropriate modelling hodograph of the first break of longitudinal waves (button Hodographs- > Calculate Model Hodographs). The calculation is made only for the loaded hodographs, which are active at present. The calculation is made consistently for all active loaded hodographs. After calculation of a hodograph there is a new window displaying the discrepancy between the real and calculated on model hodographs. The calculated hodograph is imaged also in the left part of the main window of the program by the same colour, as real hodograph, but more thin line. The number of windows with the imaging of hodographs is equal to number of the active hodographs, loaded in the program, thus in each of such windows the discrepancy curve is imaged by the same colour, as hodograph in the main window of the program. In header of each window with discrepancy the title of the table of a database is displayed, from which the appropriate real hodograph is read. These windows can be closed, if they are not necessary, in this case at new calculation of modelling hodographs window will appear again.

  6. Editing of model parameters.
    The user has an opportunity to edit manually parameters: velocity of longitudinal waves VP and anisotropy coefficient of longitudinal waves KP. For this purpose it is necessary in the table which is taking place in the right part of the main window of the program, with the help of the cursor of the mouse to select the edited value and to change it on the desirable. After input of desirable number it is necessary either to press "Enter", or to move the cursor of the mouse with click on other cell of the table. After that it is possible again to calculate the modelling hodographs at the changed parameters of model.

  7. Saving of model parameters.
    If the changes, brought in parameters of model by the user satisfy him, the user can saved these changes. Thus the three-dimensional model, loaded in the program, will be rewrite with the changed parameters (button 3D Model- > Save 3D Model).

  8. Some additional opportunities at work with the program:
    • "To hide" a hodograph.
      If for any reason loaded in program the hodograph is not necessary to the user, or the user does not want, that the appropriate modelling hodograph was calculated, the loaded hodograph can be "hidden" (button Hodographs- > Hide Hodograph). Thus to the user for selection the list of all active loaded hodographs will be offered. After the hodograph "will be hidden", it will get in the list of the "hidden" hodographs. The calculation of modelling hodographs for appropriate "hidden" will not be made.
    • To make a hodograph by active.
      If in the program there are loaded "hidden" hodographs, and the user again wants to use the "hidden" hodograph, it is necessary to make its by active. For this purpose the user must select from the list (button Hodographs- > Show Hodograph) the "hidden" hodograph. After that the hodograph will appear again in the left part of the main window of the program and for it again probably to calculate a modelling hodograph.

User interface

The main window consists of the following elements (are listed from above downwards):

  • The main menu of the program ( 3.3.1).
  • Working area with visualized active real and modelling hodographs, and also table with parameters loaded 3D model ( 3.3.3).
  • Ruler of buttons of fast access to functions of the program ( 3.3.2).
  • Area of the messages of the program ( 3.3.4).

Menu structure

To replace the current project. The operations of reading and recording of the tables LBD will conduct in the field of the selected project data.
To finish work with the program.
The submenu provides of visualization tuning in working area.
Zoom in
To include a mode of an increasing magnifer. Moving the index of the mouse, the user selectes area on the diagrams for more detailed viewing. By pressing the left button of the mouse one angle of a rubber rectangular is fixed, at letting of this button - the another. After that there is a respective alteration of borders of visualization of the graphs. To cancel action after pressing the left button of the mouse it is necessary to press right and only after that the left to release.
Zoom out
To include a mode of a reducing magnifer. Moving the index of the mouse, the user selectes the rectangular area, up to which size the available imaging will be compressed. Functions of the left and right buttons of the mouse the same, as at carrying out Zoom in.
Zoom all
To select limits of the imaging, sufficient for viewing all data, loaded at present in the program. The function is required that is returned to "standard" borders of viewing covering all imagings.
Selection of grid step on a vertical (Depth grid step and horizontal (Time grid step) in the left part of the main window of the program.
Submenu for work with hodographs.
Load Hodograph
To load a hodograph in the program.
Show Hodograph
To make the "hidden" hodograph by active.
Hide Hodograph
"To hide" an active hodograph.
Calculate Model Hodographs
To calculate modelling hodographs for all active.
3D Model
Work with model.
Load 3D Model
To load 3D model from a database.
Save 3D Model
To write down the changed model in a database.

Panel with tools

Consists of buttons of modes switching of mouse usage in working area. All functions of a toolbar are accessible also from the menu. The conformity of buttons to items is the menu is resulted below:
Zoom all
View - > Zoom all
Zoom in
View - > Zoom in
Zoom out
View - > Zoom out
File - > Exit

Working area

Is used for the imaging in the graphic and tabulared forms and their interactive editing. The working area can be divided into two parts - the right and the left. The left part of working area serves for graphic representation of the data, and right - for tabulared representation of the data and their editing. In the left part of working area an axis of time (on a horizontal) and axis of depth (on a horizontal) are placed. Units of measurements for these axes are milliseconds and meters accordingly. The zero of an axis of depth is adhered to a mouth of well and the axis is directed downwards. This area serves for the imaging of real and modelling hodographs and is supplied with a grid on a horizontal and vertical. The range of the imaging in working area at any moment can be changed by the user with the help of functions Zoom in and Zoom out. The grid step also can be changed with the help of function View- > Options. The right part of working area is the table containing parameters of model. All parameters, behind exception ZTOP, can be edited.
!!! It is important to remember, that at changing of an parameter meaning value it is necessary to press "Enter", or to move the cursor of the mouse with click on other cell of the table differently made changes will not come into force!!!

Area of the program messages

The area of the program messages is used for finishing up to the user of the various messages generated by the program on a course of carrying out of this or that operation.

Input data

The input data of the program are the hodographs of the first break VSP and 3D model of medium.

Data base tables

The program reads from the tables LBD information about position of reception points and shot points (i.e. about system of supervision VSP), about hodographs times, and also a priori three-dimensional model. The program reads the tables of the following types:

System of VSP supervision, hodographs

The access to the information on system of supervision is carried out through the tables such as FBINFO, containing hodographs. These tables contain the necessary information about coordinates of reception points and shot points necessary for calculation of the appropriate modelling hodographs. From the tables of specified type the information about times of hodographs is read out also. The access to the tables of this type is carried out through the table - list of a type FBLIST, which contains the information on available hodographs.

Three-dimensional model

The selection of three-dimensional model is carried out through the table - list PMOD3DLIST, containing the list of all three-dimensional models. Other tables of a databases used by the program, has rather complex structure and interrelations. The evident description of structure of these tables for the user is represented very bulky and unnecessary, as these tables are not intended for direct viewing and changing by the user.

Output data

The output data of the program is the table LBD, describing the physical parameters of three-dimensional model of medium.

Data base tables

The program corrects the table LBD such as PBODIESLIST, describing the physical parameters of three-dimensional model of medium. The description of a format of this table of a database is not resulted in the set instruction, as this table has complex structure and interrelations and is not intended for direct viewing and editing by the user.

Requirements to the environment

Operational environment

Variable environments necessary for work of the program:

The system catalogue of a package UNIVERS. The value of given variable is defined at installation of a package.
Must contain a way of search of user interface files of a package UNIVERS, namely: UIDPATH = $ VSPHOME/uid / of % U
Must contain a way of search of files of tuning of parameters and user interface of a package UNIVERS, namely: XFILESEARCHPATH=$VSPHOME/app-defaults/%N:...

The other components of ways of search is replaced by dots, for example for Solaris 2.4 complete determinations can be such:

XFILESEARCHPATH=$VSPHOME/app-defaults/%N:/usr/dt/lib/%T/%N%S\ / of % T / of % N%S

Used files

The program uses the following files (with a place of their expected arrangement):

File with the description of an arrangement of the catalogues of the user projects and installation of system variable.
File of the list of colours and user palettes.
File for formation of the user interface of the program. See above variable UIDPATH.
File with adjustment of colours and parameters of work of the program. See above variable XFILESEARCHPATH.
Electronic variant of the user's guide on the program.
File of descriptors of the tables LBD.
netscape, Mosaic
For access to the interactive documentation on the program in ways of search PATH there must be one of WWW-browsers: Netscape Navigator or NSCA Mosaic.

Messages to the user

Way of finishing of the messages up to the user

The message are classified by type at information and diagnostic. The first are a part of regular behaviour of the program and accompany process of processing. The second testify about not regular situations of a various degree of interfering to high-grade work. All messages are lead up to the user through area of the messages of the program and are divided on some types depending on importance of this or that message. In the program of the message are be of the following types: HINT, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL.

Description of the information messages

  • HINT " Define project first (menu File- > Project). " To the User is reminded, that the working project is not determined and it must be defined.
  • INFO " Current project is... ". The message about the current working project.
  • INFO " Hodograph... is loaded ". The message is given out after successful loading of the appropriate hodograph.
  • INFO " 3D model has been successfully saved into DB ". The message is set out after successful saving of model in a database.

Description of the diagnostic messages

  • WARNING " Project is not defined ". This message is set out in a case, when the working project is not determined. For correction of this situation it is necessary to determine the working project.
  • WARNING " Hodograph table... has no data ". The table of a hodograph for any reason has appeared empty.
  • WARNING " There are no hodographs loaded ". The message is set out in a case, when the user tries to load 3D model not having any hodograph, loaded in the program. This message is accompanied by other message: HINT " First it's necessary to load hodograph ". This message prompts to the user, that is necessary to load in the program a hodograph.
  • WARNING " There are no active hodographs availiable ". The message is set out in a case, when the hodographs are loaded in the program, but all of them at present are not active. This message is accompanied by other message: HINT " It's necessary to activate or load hodograph ", prompting to the user, that is necessary or to make active not an active hodograph, or to load in the program one more hodograph.
  • WARNING " Loading of 3D model exited abnormaly ". The message is set out at unsuccessful attempt to load model from a database. This message is preceded by other message: ERROR " Load3DModelCB ():... ", at the end of which is informed a error becoming reason of unsuccessful attempt of loading of model from a database.
  • WARNING " There are no hodographs availiable ". The message arises at attempt to make active or "to hide" a hodograph, when any hodograph is not loaded in the program.
  • WARNING " All the loaded hodographs are active already ". The message arises at attempt to make active "hidden" (not active) a hodograph, when all loaded hodographs and so are active.
  • WARNING " All the loaded hodographs are not active already ". The message arises at attempt "to hide" an active hodograph, when those are not present.
  • WARNING " There are no 3D model loaded ". The message arises at attempt of modelling hodographs calculation in absence 3D of model loaded in the program. This message is accompanied by the following message: HINT " Load 3D model first ", recommending to the user to load in the program 3D model.
  • Group of the messages:
    WARNING " There are no hodographs availiable "
    WARNING " Impossible to calculate model hodographs "
    HINT " Load hodograph and 3D model first "
    These following one after another messages arise at attempt to calculate a modelling hodograph, when in the program are not loaded neither model nor hodograph. Last of the messages recommends consistently to load in the program a hodograph and model.
  • Group of the messages:
    WARNING " There are no active hodographs availiable "
    HINT " Make hodograph active or load another one "
    These messages arise at attempt of modelling hodographs calculation, when in the program there is no active hodograph. It is recommended to make a hodograph by active, or to load in the program other hodograph.
  • WARNING " There no model to save ". The message is given out at attempt to save model, when it is not loaded yet in the program.
  • Group of the messages:
    ERROR " Couldn't initialize hodograph calculation "
    WARNING " May be shot point is out of modeling area "
    This group of the messages arises in a case, when for any reason it was not possible to begin process of a modelling hodograph calculation. In the first message the actual error is underlined. In the third message as the most probable reason is underlined that is possible the shot point has appeared outside of borders 3D model.
  • ERROR " Can't open hodograph table... ". This message arises in case of unsuccessful attempt to open the table of a database containing a hodograph. The name opened table and code of error is underlined.
  • ERROR " Saving of 3D model exited abnormally:... ". The message arises at failure of recording 3D model in a database and is accompanied by a code of error.
  • ERROR, " Error during first break calculation:... ". A error during calculation of a modelling hodograph. Is accompanied by a code of error. As a rule, there is no decisive value for result of work of the program.
  • The occurrence of any of the below-mentioned messages speaks that the program works unstably and the consequences can be unpredictable. In this case it is necessary to address to the developers of the program with the detailed description of arisen failure situation.:
    ERROR " ModelHodographCalculationCB ():... ":
    ERROR " ZoomAllCB ():... ":
    ERROR " ViewOptionsCB ():... ":
    ERROR " Can't fully control mouse modes.... ":
    ERROR " NULL pointer in aux_expose ":
    ERROR " Exposure fault with code... ":
    ERROR " NULL pointer in AuxWorkPlaceEventHandler ":
    ERROR " NULL pointer in AuxExposeCB ":
    ERROR " NULL pointer in AuxScrollerCB ":
    ERROR " NULL pointer in AuxCloseCB ":
  • The following messages speak about absence of files necessary for correct work of the program:
    FATAL " Mrm can not open UID files. " - there is no file $VSPHOME/uid/ModTune.uid for formation of the user interface of the program. See above variable UIDPATH.
    FATAL " Can not open '.sdscolor ' in HOME directory. " - there is no file $HOME/.sds color of the list of colours and user palettes.

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