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Cоздание 3D геофизической модели среды.

Generation of a 3D geophysical model.

PMODEL PEP-клиент.


Soluble problems and method

The program is intended for generation of three-dimensional geophysical model of the medium from one-dimensional model.

Geophysical model is regarded as a way of description of a volumetric fragment of ground as the connected system of three-dimensional arbitrary bodies filling this fragment (area of simulation). The area of simulation is restricted with plane boundaries. This model is realized as a set of the tables of the database.

Interaction with other programs

The one-dimensional model of the medium is obtained with the help of programs of the package, for example, FBVEL2. The boundaries of area of simulation are generated in the program 3DToolkit.

The program is PEP-client, thus it is started from under the shell of the packet execution program pktexec, which gives tools for setting the parameters, control of execution of the program and viewing the protocol of program operation.



Setting of parameters and start of the program is performed from under the shell of the packet execution program pktexec. The standard session consists of the following steps:

  1. Start of the program from the menu of the package VSP.
  2. Setting of the project with the data directory containing initial modification (menu item File - > Project...).
  3. Setting of one-dimensional model, on the basis of which three-dimensional model will be build, in a field " A-priori 1D model "
  4. Setting of boundaries of area of simulation in a field " The borders of the model "
  5. Setting of the name of model in a field " Name of the resulting model ".
  6. Start of the program on execution (button Start in the toolbar or menu item pmodel - > Start).
  7. The panel of results of PEP-client is not used by the given program.
  8. To view the protocol of passing of the program it is necessary to press the button View log in the toolbar or to select the menu item pmodel - > View log.
  9. To exit the environment of packet execution it is necessary to press the button Exit in the toolbar or to select the menu item File - > Exit.

Parameters of processing

Input parameters (panel Parameters)

A-priori 1D model
Name: in_dbmodel
The type: dbname_s (MOD1DLIST)
The description: Specifies the table of the database with one-dimensional model, on basis of which a three-dimensional model will be created.
The borders of the model
Name: in_dbmborders
The type: dbitem_s (VSP.M3DBLIST)
The description: specifies the LDB tables, containing the description of borders of area of simulation.
Name of the resulting model
Name: model_name
The type: string
The description: name of model in text form.

Information of an operating time of the program (panel Runtime)

Stage of processing
Name: stage
The type: string
The description: at this moment the program creates the model and records it to the data base.

Parameters of results (panel Results)

Is absent.

User interface

For detailed acquaintance with user interface of the package execution program, see the description of the program pktexec. An example of the window of the shell with the active panel of input of parameters is shown below:

Input data

Data base tables

The following tables are moved to the input:

  • The table with one-dimensional model MOD1DINFO.
      The table describes border of the model on a well and consists of the following fields:

      Data used for translating of the model on a straight line to the three-dimensional model of connected bodies:

    • ZTOP, XTOP, YTOP - coordinates of a point, where geophysical parameters are set. It is supposed, that the model is set on a well. Therefore the given one-dimensional model is actually set on a three-dimensional curve.
    • DIP, AZIMUTH - angle and azimuth of an inclination of boundary in the given point.

      Further there are geophysical parameters of a body laying below described border:

    • VP, VS - longitudinal and transversal velocities of distribution of waves in a body;
    • DENSITY - density of the medium;
    • ABSORP, ABSORS - coefficients of absorption of longitudinal and transversal waves;
    • AN_DIP, AN_AZIMUTH - angle and azimuth of an inclination of axis of anisotropy;
    • AN_KP, AN_KS - coefficients of anisotropy of longitudinal and transversal waves.

      If any of the listed parameters, except for ABSORP and ABSORS, will not be defined (even if the three-dimensional model will be created) the simulation will not be done correctly as all of the parameters are used.

  • Boundaries of area of simulation: string in the list of the pointers on the borders of area of simulation. Six planes, which after intersection will form the closed area, are considered to be the border of area of simulation. It is also the area of simulation. The area of simulation is formed in the program 3DToolkit.

Output data

Data base tables

Result of operation of the program is the three-dimensional model. Below is the description of the format of the table - list of three-dimensional models PMOD3DLIST.

  • NAME - name of the model. Is set by the user, is not used further.
  • ID - unique number of model. For support of integrity of model and results of solution of the inverse problems using it.
  • FLAG - Flag indicating, if the stored model was correlated.
  • BODIES, PLAINS, POLIGONS, SEGMENTS - pointers on the tables in the database, in which the information on the model bodies, planes and so on is stored.

Requirements to environment

Operational environment

The program gets a name of the operative project through a variable of the environment PROJECT. In case of start of the program from under the shell, this condition is fulfilled by selection of the operative project.

The program determines the location of the system files of the package from a variable VSPHOME, defined in the user`s profile or in the file setup in a home directory of the user of the package. In the file setup the given variable can appear also under the name of VSP.

Used files

The program searches for the description of parameters in files $VSPHOME/etc/PMODEL.pep and $VSPHOME/etc/vsp.pep.

The user`s home directory should contain a setup file. This file should contain paths to the directories of data, jobs and protocols of execution of the projects and also paths to the system files of the VSP package.

Other requirements

Other requirements are defined by the shell of the packet execution program pktexec.

Messages to the user

Bringing messages to the notice of the user

All messages are moved to the standard stream of errors. If the program is started from under the interactive shell, the messages are saved to the file of the protocol of the transmission of the job LOG/$PROJECT/PMODEL-#.log. The messages of classes EL_FATAL and EL_ERROR are placed in the area of messages of the interactive shell after the program termination.

9. Features of usage

At the moment of writing documentation the program was not tasted for areas of simulation which are not not parallelepipeds. It is possible, that in these cases the incorrect operation of the program is possible.

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