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Программа полосовой фильтрации.

Filtration as FD-Convolution -- FFDC.

FFDC Интерактивная обрабатывающая программа.


Solved problems and method

The program of bandpass filtration is intended for filtration and spectra visualization of input modification traces. Except for bandpass filtration the program can be applied for filtration of high frequencies (FHF), filtration of low frequencies (FLF) and rejector filtration. The operator of the filter can be zero-phase and minimal-phase.

In a mode of zero - phase filtration the given weight function of the filter (the spectrum of the filter operator) is directly used for convolution (complex multiplication of spectra in frequency domain).

In a mode of minimal - phase filtration the program on the given spectrum of the two-sided operator of the zero - phase filter calculates a complex spectrum of the unilateral operator of the minimal - phase filter.

Interaction with other programs

The results obtained by the given program, can be used at any stage of processing, any programs of a package UNIVERS.



The given program is interactive, i.e. the continuous management by the user of a course of program carrying out is realized. At once after start of the program before the user there is a window of traces visualization.

The name of the project and name of modification, which be subject to processing is selected of menu item File - > Open, then in a field of visualization of traces the selected modification is drawn.

Further in the menu item Filter or in a scale of tools located under a visualization field, the button of an input in a mode " the definition of weight function " is selected, .

Is opened the panel Band-Pass Filter Parameters,

intended for numerical definition of the weight characteristic of a filter in frequency domain in four nodes. In each node the characteristic the frequency and value, appropriate to it of a weight < 1 is set. On two nodes are preselected to default. These points have frequency rates and amplitudes accordingly: first (0Hz, 1), second (250Hz, 1). Value of a weight, given in last (4-th) node, if a frequency rate, appropriate to it is less Nyquist rate (500/dt a Hz, where dt - step of digitization traces in ms), starts to stationary values on a length from this frequency rate up to Nyquist rate.

After pressing the button OK in this panel the window of visualization of spectra Visual Spectrum Process with fields for average and current of spectrums is opened and program passes in the mode of on-line choice a trace for subsequent on-linen definition of the operator of the bandpass filter.

 Further it is necessary to the user in a field of visualization of traces to select traces, on spectra which the weight function will be set. The selection of a trace is carried out with the help of single click of the left button of the mouse above the necessary trace, then the given trace in a field of visualization of traces will be marked by a green line. In the bottom part of a field of visualization of a spectrum the amplitude spectrum of the given trace (red graph), and in the top part of a field - total stacked amplitude spectrum of all already selected traces (green graph) will be deduced. If necessary of selection at once of several traces ought to press the left key of the mouse and to move the cursor on the necessary quantity of traces.

 For a cancellation of the selected traces the right button of the mouse is used. All actions are similar to a mode of selection of traces.

 Now user can proceed to the direct setting of the form of weight function (filter). By default weight function represents red line and is given by its values in four nodes in the panel Band-Pass Filter Parameters.

  For the setting of the new node of weight function it is necessary to click the left key of the mouse in the top part of a visualization field of a spectrum (atop of the green graph), then will appear red dagger, appropriating to the new node, and the shape of weight function will be interpolated. For removal of the node it is necessary to click the right button of the mouse above the necessary node.

After the setting of weight function it is necessary to start process of filtration, having pressed the button "Conv" in the bottom part of a visualization window of spectrum. Thus the window will appear, in which it will be offered to the user enter output modification name (name should to begin on ' S and to come to an end by anyone in three figures, for example, " S999 ") and to set a type of the used filter: 0 - zero - phase, 1- minimum - phase,

then it is necessary to press the button "GO". The filtration action will begin, the progress-indicator works, while the filtration action will not be completed. By pressing of the button Cancel it is possible to abort this process.

The note: at work in a visualization window of a spectrum the increase of scales of the represented spectra can be required. In view of absence of the built - means of scaling it is possible simply to increase the sizes of a window, the graph of a total spectrum thus will be scaled proportional.

User interface

Menu structure


View Filter

Menu items

File -> Project
Selection of the demanded project from table-list of projects

by mouse coursor.

File - > Open
The choice of the project in the table - list Project Selection with the list of the projects, if the project was not installed earlier. After the definition of the project the panel Data Selection with the list of modifications is called. This panel is opened at once after pressing the button Open..., if the project was earlier installed.

It is necessary to select from it modification and to press the button ??. The selected modification will be drawn in a field of traces. The previous modifications closed. The area and visualization mode of the closed modifications is remembered.

File - > Close
Closing of modification. The area and visualization mode of the closed modification is remembered.
File - > Exit
End of work of the program. Thus the confirmation is not asked with the user. Therefore it is necessary to save the calculated hodographs in a data base beforehand.
View - > Undo
The Undo is used for restoration of the previous modes of visualization or position) and sizes of viewing window on a field of traces. Viewing window is understood not as that window, which occupies the certain place on your screen and can be is stretched, is moved or iconed, and virtual window on a field of traces. It is set by the user by the indication of visualized traces and temporary range on them for drawing within the limits of a physical window. The Undo is carried out for internal parameters of the program (width of a window AGC, way of a blackening) as against external (size of a program window). Therefore, if you change the size of a program window on the screen, and then will make a Undo, it will not restore the previous size of a window.
View - > Redo
Is used for restoration of visualization parameters lost as a result of a Undo. Has the same restrictions on a scope, as Undo.
View - > Zoom in
Inclusion of a mode of an increasing magnifer. The selection of area subjected by increasing, is carried out by a "rubber" rectangular. The fixing of one angle of a rectangular is carried out by pressing of the button 1 mouse. Further index of the mouse moves for the setting of other angle of area. Thus the allocated area is shown by a rectangular tracing moving of the index. For fixing other angle of area it is necessary to release the button 1. Thus the allocated area will increase up to the size of area of the traces imaging. If you have begun process of the setting of area of increase (have pressed the button 1), but then have solved to do not it, not releasing the button 1, click on the button 3 and the rubber rectangular will disappear. Now it is possible fearlessly to release the button 1 - nothing will take place, the imaging remains the former. If you have increased area (have released) the button 1) and only then have understood that were mistaken, for restoration of the previous kind take advantage of Undo .
View - > Zoom out
Action of this mode in many respects opposite to mode of increase. The area set by a rubber rectangular, defines that volume and its site, up to which the current area of the traces imaging will be compressed after finishing of operation. Selection of area and refusal of it is carried out as well as in a mode of increasing.
View - > Info mode
The information mode is used for derivation of some data about an any trace. In this mode the user can indicate by the mouse any point a field of traces, having pressed the button 1, and in a line of the status the information message consisting of the following parts will appear:
  • #... - number of a trace. The traces are numbered inside the program from unit since the uppermost loaded trace.
  • HCAB =... - cable depth of a trace from a word of header HCABF.
  • COMP = '.' - component from first byte of a word of header COMP. Usually it is one of the letters: X, Y, Z,1,2,3,4.
  • T =... - time specified by the mouse in milliseconds.
  • A =... - linearly interpolated amplitude in the point, specified by the mouse.
  • NMGL =... - logic number of a magnetogram from a word of header NMGL.
  • NTR =... - logic number of the channel from a word of header NTR.
View - > Manual zoom
Call of dialogue of the digital task of viewing window. By a call of dialogue in fields of temporary and index ranges the figures appropriate to the current position of a window of viewing are established. Having changed these values and having selected one or both lines with the help of switches to the left of textual fields it is possible to press the button OK or Apply and to see that a window of viewing now is limited to the new set just values.

View - > Zoom all
On the given command the drawing of all field of traces in all range of times in the current physical window is carried out. Sometimes, if traces it is a lot of, and the physical window has the small sizes obtained in result the imaging has not readable kind. To improve a picture it is necessary to increase a physical window.
View - > Options...
Call of dialogue of the setting of parameters of traces visualization.

In this dialogue it is possible to change:

  • Width of a sliding window AGC in milliseconds (AGC {ms}).
  • Degree of overlapping of the next traces (Overlapping). The closer given parameter to unit, the more visually there are amplitudes of traces more.
  • Step of a grid of time in milliseconds (Time grid step).
  • Kind of a drawing of traces: without a blackening, with a blackening of positive, negative and those and other amplitudes.
Openes the panel Band-Pass Filter Parameters , intended for the numerical definition of the weight characteristic of a filter in frequency area in four nodes. In each node of the characteristic the frequency and appropriate to it of a weight value < 1 is set. Two nodes are by default preselected. These points have frequency rates and amplitudes accordingly: first (0Hz, 1), second (250Hz, 1). Value of weight, given in last (4-th) node, if the frequency rate, appropriate to it is less than Nyquist rate (500/dt Hz, where dt - step of digitization traces in ms), sets to stationary values on a length from this frequency rate up to Nyquist rate.

  After pressing the button OK in this panel the panel Visual Spectrum Process with fields for average and current of spectrums is opened and the program passes in the mode of on-line choice a traces for the subsequent on-line definition of the operator of the bandpass filter.

The given window consists of four components:

Visualization field of a total amplitude spectrum of all selected traces.
In given field a total amplitude spectrum of all selected traces is displaied. The field is calibrated with the help coordinate grid. On an axis X the values of frequency, on an axis Y - values of amplitude are postponed. The selection of traces is carried out by click of the left button of the mouse above the necessary trace in a field of traces visualization. If necessary of selection at once of several traces it is possible not releasing the left button of the mouse to carry out by the cursor above required traces. The selected traces are marked by a green line, and their amplitude spectrum is drawn in a visualization field of total spectrum (green graph). For a cancellation of the selected traces it is necessary to carry out same act with the right button of the mouse.

In this the field weight function of the filter is set. For the definition of the site of weight function it is necessary to click the left button of the mouse above the green graph. The quantity of sites should be less than 50. For removal of the node it is necessary to click the right button of the mouse above the necessary node. At attempt to set the node outside of a coordinate grid, the coordinates of the node automatically accept the maximal or minimal values. (For example for the setting of the site with coordinates 0-amplitude, 0-frequency is possible simply to click the mouse below and more to the left of coordinate grid.)

By default in it field the characteristic of filter, determined numerical parameters of its nodes in the window Band-Pass Filter Parameters is preselected. Moving the cursor of the mouse in a field Average Spectrum we select a position of the current node of weight function. At moving the cursor in the information line under this field the value of frequency (Frequency) and amplitude (amplitude) of weight function for the current position of the cursor is shown. Selecting a position of a node visually or on values in an information line it is necessary to press the left key of the mouse. On the screen by dagger the given node will be designated. In a line of the information the values of its frequency and amplitudes will be displayed. All nodes set to this moment, will be connected by a continuous line. The setting of a node can be cancelled, having moved to it the cursor and having pressed the right key of the mouse. It is necessary to have in view of, that it is impossible to remove the first and last nodes of weight function of the filter having values of frequencies 0 Hz and 500/dt Hz accordingly, where dt - discretization step of trace in ms. It is possible to change only values of their amplitudes. To frequencies superior a frequency rate of the last node the value of amplitude in this point is assigned.

Field of the current coordinates of the cursor.
In given field the coordinates of the cursor of the mouse (amplitude and frequency) are displayed at its movement in a visualization field of a total spectrum.
Visualization field of amplitude spectrum of last selected trace.
In given the field is displayed amplitude spectrum of last selected trace (red graph). What or the interactive actions in given a field are not stipulated.
Control buttons by process of the setting of weight function.
  • The given button calls dialogue of the setting of output modification and the filter type.

  • The given button cancels all selected traces in a window of a field of visualization of traces, clears visualization fields of spectra and will transform weight function to an initial kind.

  • The given button closes a visualization window of spectra, but selection of traces, their spectra and form of weight function are remembered.

Help- > Contents...
Calls the contextual hint
Help- > User Guide
Calls the user's guide of the program.

Ruler of tools.

The ruler of tools is situated under area of traces visualization and has the following kind:

To the left of vertical feature the buttons of actions are located: at click 1-st button of the mouse occurs any action duplicating the appropriate the menu item. More to the right of vertical feature the buttons of modes of operations by the mouse on a field of traces are located. An each concrete moment one of modes is active only. The button of this mode is led round in such case by a red framework. To change the current mode of operations it is possible having clicked 1-st button of the mouse on an icon of the appropriate mode or from the menu. By most right the red button of an exit from the program settles down.

View - >Options...
View - > Undo
View - > Redo
View - > Zoom all
View - > Info mode
View - > Zoom in
View - > Zoom out
File - > Exit

Input data


The program loads one modification SCS-5, consisting from two files: the tables of modification(the name looks like Mxxx.tab) and file of the data (the name looks like Yxxx.dat), where xxx - three symbols of a unique code of modifications necessarily conciding in both names, and Y - one of the letters S, R, D, designating a kind of sorting CDP (the data VSP as a rule has sorting such as S). The modification should has a type of a structure VSP and type of the data distinct from parametrical, differently it will not be loaded.

The program does not require ordering input traces, can process as one-component, and multicomponent traces.

Output data


The output traces is written in a format R4, i.e. everyone the temporary readout of a body of a trace occupies 4 bytes. The name of a output file should look like Sxxx.dat), where xxx - three symbols of a unique code of modification.

Requirements to the environment

Used files

The current catalogue (from which the program is started) must contain a file .sdscolor, in which the colours used by the program are registered and a file setup in which the variable environments are registered.

Messages to the user

Way of finishing of the messages up to the user

All diagnostic messages are desplayed in a field of the diagnostic messages located in the bottom part of a window of traces visualization.

Description of the diagnostic messages

" Cannot delete the node! "
Attempt to remove extreme right or extreme left sites of weight function.
" Graphics error "
Internal mistake at attempt to create a graphic context.
" Font not found! "
Internal error: the specified font is not found.
" Interactive program does not have valid parameters "
The message signals that the program was started not from under the column of processing SCS-5.
" Memory allocation error! "
Internal error at allocation of the memory block.
" Memory allocation fault "
Internal error at allocation of the memory block.
" No changes available for redo "
Informs to the user that that the further cancellation of undo is impossible valid of exhaustation by this.
" No changes available for undo "
Informs to the user that the further undo is impossible - visualizer is in an initial status.
" No trace at this point "
Is deduced in a mode of derivation of the information about a trace in that case if the program can not identify the point, specified by the user, on a field of traces with any by a trace.
" Project = of % s, Modification = of % s "
Informs the user on the just loaded modification and working project.
" Redo step "
Signals about the perfect step of undo cancellation.
" Select-trace mode "
Signal about inclusion of a mode of the weight function setting.
" The proper index range from 1 to %u "
Error of the user at the setting of numbers of visualized traces. Numbers of traces belong to the specified range.
" The proper time range from %f to %f "
Error of the user at the setting of visualization time interval. The times should belong to the specified range in milliseconds.
" Too many nodes! "
Many sites of weight function are set too.
" Trace information mode "
Signal about inclusion of a mode of information derivation about a trace.
" Trace reading error "
Internal error at attempt to obtain the information on a trace.
" Undo step "
Signals about the perfect step undo.
" Weight function error! "
Internal error at the setting of weight function.
" Zoom-in mode "
Signal about inclusion of an increasing magnifer mode.
" Zoom-out mode "
Signal about inclusion of a reducing magnifer mode.

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