The program is PEP-client. Thus it is started from under the shell of the packet execution program pktexec, which gives tools for setting the parameters, control of execution of the program and monitoring the protocol of program operation.
Setting of parameters and start of the program are performed from under the shell of the packet execution program pktexec. The standard session consists of the following steps:
In order to view the protocol of the program execution it is necessary to press the button View log on the toolbar or to select the menu item ExpWeight - > View log.
For detailed acquaintance with user interface of the packet execution program, see the description of the program pktexec.
All traces of the specified modification are moved to the input of the program. Only actual traces are accepted for processing (ACT! =0). The traces which have got in a range of the left-side and/or of the right-side muting, are processed by the procedure of muting with smooth fading. The actual traces which have not got in any range of cable depths, are in any case written in the initial order to the output modification. The output modification can not coincide with the input modification.
The hodograph is read from the table of the type FBINFO. The time of hodograph is taken from a field TFB. The point of hodograph and the trace are compared according to the coincidence of fields HCAB and NMGL to the appropriate fields of header of the body of the examined trace.
All actual traces with the values of samples changed according to the job are written in the resulting file with a name of the output modification.
The program gets a name of the operative project through a variable of the environment PROJECT. In case of start of the program from under the shell, this condition is fulfilled by selection of the operative project.
The program defines the location of system files of the package from a variable VSPHOME, defined in the profile of the user or in the file setup in the home directory of the user of the package. In the file setup the given variable can appear also under a name of VSP.
The program searches for the description of parameters in files $VSPHOME/etc/ExpWeight.pep and $VSPHOME/etc/vsp.pep.
The user`s home directory should contain a setup file. This file should contain paths to the directories of data, jobs and protocols of execution of the projects and also paths to the system files of the VSP package.
Other requirements are defined by the shell of the packet execution program pktexec.
All messages are moved to the standard stream of errors. If the program is started from under the interactive shell, the messages are saved in the file of the protocol of execution of the job LOG/$PROJECT/ExpWeight-#.log. The messages of classes EL_FATAL and EL_ERROR are placed in the area of messages of the interactive shell after the program termination.