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Формирование трасс формата UNIVERS.

Creation of the UNIVERS format traces.

SFViewer Интерактивная программа.


The program is intended for creation of traces of the UNIVERS format from traces of the SEGY, SDS-3 IBM, SDS-PC, VSP-PC, UNIVERS or arbitrary format.

Interaction with other programs

This program uses tables created by the program gvsp_thc and located in the database of the project.



The session of the program starts with selection of the mode of browsing of the source files (default mode) or of the behaviour in shaft of the well (inclinometry) in the dialog box. In the mode of browsing of source files it is possible to convert them to the format of the UNIVERS packet.

Parameters of processing

Input data for the program are the database tables, in which all necessary information on the well, equipment, and field observations technique is represented.

User interface

Main window of the program consists of:

  1. The main menu:
    • File
      • Project - Selection of the project
      • Load File - Loading of the file for browsing
      • Create Mod - Creation and recording of the modification of traces in the UNIVERS format
      • Exit - Program termination
    • View
      • Traces - Browsing of traces of the selected file
      • Inclinometry - Inclinometry viewing
      • Information - Information on the entered file
      • Content - List of the numbers of magnitograms and numbers of traces in them, defined from headers of an input file
    • Headering
      • Manual - Assignment of headers to the input traces of the file without taking into account the contents of headers of an input file (VSP data)
      • Auto - Assignment of headers to the input traces of the file taking into account the contents of headers of an input file (VSP data)
      • Section - Creation of headers for traces of temporary sections (CDP data)
      • Fixed - Creation of headers for traces of an input file without usage of geometry description (quick and dirty VSP data import)
  2. Field for drawing
  3. Buttons:
    • Help - Dispalys the operative help
    • Options - Displays the dialogue window for definition of parameters of visualization of traces
    • Zoom in - Switching of the mode of increasing of the image scale
    • Zoom out - Switching of the zoom out mode
    • Copy Block - Displays the dialogue window for copying the block of the selected traces
    • Exit - Program termination

After appearance of the main window of the program the mode of browsing files with traces is set. If it is necessary to view the behaviour in the space of the well shaft (inclinometry), enter the item menu View- > Inclinometry. It is possible to return to the mode of browsing of files with traces by entering the menu item View- > Traces.

For browsing of the file enter the menu item File- > Load File. With the help of the appeared dialogue window select the necessary file. The program automatically defines the format of an input file. The following formats of files are automatically defined:
  • SDS3 IBM
  • SDS3 PC
  • SDS5 SUN
  • VSP PC
The file type is defined in the message line. If the file type was not identified, the dialog box, in which all necessary data for entering the file is specified, appears.
The numbers of visualized traces are specified by red colour.
After visualization of the file it is possible to get help on this file by entering the menu item View- > Information, or to view contents of the file by entering the menu item View- > Content. Thus, if the file type was automatically defined, numbers of magnitograms and numbers of traces for each of them will be indicated.
If it is necessary to convert traces of the file to the UNIVERS, enter the menu item Headering. Depending on the contents of an input file, select one of the menu items. After selection of even one trace from the file, it is possible to create one or several modifications by entering the menu item File- > Create Mod. After creation of modification it is possible to select any traces from an input stream of traces, to set the sorting scheme for them and to set the resulting length of traces.

Dialogue windows of the program

During execution of the program the following dialogue windows can be called:

Description of the file of free format
Identification of traces of the file
Creation of modifications
Selection of traces for modification

Description of the file of free format

If the program could not identify the file type, the dialog box appears, in which the datafile is described:
The way of data representation is set with the help of buttons:
  1. Data format - type of numbers representation
    • IBM - IBM - 360 platform and similar
    • PC - INTEL x86, VAX-11 platform and similar
    • SUN - SPARC, Power, MC680x0 and similar
  2. Data sample format - traces data format
    • R4 - four-byte floating-point numbers
    • I4 - four-byte numbers with fixed point
    • I2 - two-byte numbers with fixed point

    In the other fields such information is entered:

  3. Word number for field record - number of word for the number with physical number of magnitogram. The words count starts from 1.
    • I4 - four-byte numbers with fixed point
    • I2 - two-byte numbers with fixed point
  4. Word number for field trace - number of a word for number with number traces. The words count starts from 1.
    • I4 - four-byte numbers with the fixed point
    • I2 - two-byte numbers with the fixed point
  5. Files Header length in byte - length in bytes of the file header
  6. Trases Header length in byte - length in bytes of the header of traces
  7. Quantity of samples in trace - number of samples in trace
  8. Sample interval in mc - discretization of traces in microseconds.
The operation with the dialogue window is completed by pressing of the "Ok" button

Identification of traces of the file

After pressing button Headering- > Manual a list of all magnitograms from the table LSMG appears on screen. Each magnitogram contains the list of all traces, included in it. The list contains the following columns:
  • n/n - number of trace in the list
  • FMG_no - physical number of magnitogram
  • TR_no - number of trace inside this magnitogram
  • Hcab - cable depth of the trace
  • Comp - component of the check instrument
  • Sp_no - number of point of excitation
At the bottom of the window there are such buttons:
  • Sel. Traces - transfer of the traces selected from the list to an input file
  • Unsel. Traces - deselecting of traces in an input file

It is possible to place the cursor to any trace of the list. If to press the button " Sel. Traces " at the set location of the cursor, all traces will be transferred to an input file, beginning with trace marked with the cursor and up to the end of the list. The selected traces in the list are marked with a word "Select". In the window with traces opposite to each selected trace the cable depth of this trace, number of magnitogram and number of trace inside of magnitogram, component and type of the trace will be displayed. If the selection of traces contains errors, it is necessary to put the cursor of the list on the first trace with error and to press the button " Unsel. Traces ". Thus in the traces of the list the mark "Select" and the trace signature in a wave pattern will disappear.

The traces are written to an output file, starting with trace, which is specified by the arrow key in the main window. The arrow key can be placed opposite to any trace of the file.
To transfer only defined traces, the user have to select them. The selection of traces is done by pressing an average mouse button on the first and last traces of the selected block of traces.
The undo of selection is done by pressing an average mouse button on the outer trace of the selected block.
If there is a regulary repeated group of traces in the file, this group of traces can be selected by the average mouse button in the area of the trace signature by clicking this button opposite to the outer traces of group. The selected traces will be marked with blue square opposite to each selected trace. At the bottom of the window the button " Copy Block " will appear. After selection of traces set the cursor of the file on the first trace, where the copied block of traces should be brought, and press the button " Copy Block ". On the screen the dialog box will appear. In this dialogue box it is necessary to specify the number of magnitogram of the first trace of the new block and number of repetitions of this block. For each trace of the copied block its number is selected, and the data for the trace with indicated number of magnitogram and selected number of trace are selected from the list of traces. These data are assigned to the next trace of the file. The transfer process is interrupted, if the earlier selected trace will be met.

Creation of modifications

After input of all source files the creation of output modifications is started. For this purpose the user should enter the menu item File- > Create Mod. All traces selected from all input files will be drawn on screen and the dialog box will appear.
With the help of buttons "FMG" and "Hcab" it is possible to set the traces sorting scheme. Besides it is possible to specify the number of samples in each trace and the name of formed modification. All traces in the order of their representation on screen will be written to this modification.
For selection of the defined traces from an input stream of traces, it is necessary to press the button Condition...

Selection of traces for modification

After pressing the button " Condition... " the dialog box appears. With the help of this dialog box it is possible to specify what traces from an input stream it is necessary to remove (or to keep). It is possible to specify the numbers of magnitograms, number of traces in them, component or number of the excitation point.
Numbers of magnitograms and traces are set as the list and are separated by commas. If it is necessary to set some numbers in succession, it is possible to specify the first and the last number through a dash. For example 5-25. In this case the 5-25 numbers will be chosen. If it is necessary to select numbers with defined step, it is possible to set them as N1*NN, stN, where N1 is the number of the first magnitogram, NN - number of cycles of repetition of the given operation, stN - step of increment of previous number for obtaining the next number. For example 5*24,1. In this case the 5-th number will be selected, then the next number distinguished from previous on 1 will be selected 24 times, i.e. the same numbers from 1 to 25 will be selected.

Browsing of file contents

Input data

Data base tables

The program uses the following data base tables for creation of headers of traces:

  • VSP.WELLLIST - table with the description of all wells of the given project
  • VSP.name Well.. INCL.1 - table with the inclinometry data for each well. The name of a well is present in the name of the table. Entering of the data in the table of inclinometry is carried out with the help of the program of LOG data input in the menu item Application - Pol.incl- > decart.
  • VSP.SONDELIST - table with the list of types of all sonds used in the given project. The single instrument in a check well is described as the separate sond too.
  • VSP.WELL.. SNDAT.n - table, in which each sond is described concretely. Number of sond is put instead of the n character.
  • VSP.SHOLELIST - table in which all excitation points for all wells of the given project are described. The excitation points have through indexing.
  • VSP.WELL.. SPDAT.n - table in which all points of excitation of oscillations concerning this excitation point are described. Number of the excitation point is put instead of the n character.
  • VSP.CHOLELIST - table with the description of all check holes of the project. All check holes are described as groups concerning the deep wells.
  • VSP.METHLIST - list of methods for shot of the wells. The method is understood as description of all traces of one magnitogram for each deep well. All methods have through indexing.
  • VSP.METH.. METHDAT.n - table of the description of each method.
  • VSP.LSMG - table with description of all magnitograms of the given project with the indication of their SP, method and cable depth
  • VSP.MSLLIST - table with the description of all MSL wells of the given project
  • VSP.STLIST - table with the description of all logical numbers of magnitograms and their correspondence to the physical numbers and cable depths. The values of all other parameters of the table are unset.

Passport data

The passport data are not used by the program.


As a result of program operation all modifications and corresponding tables of modifications are created.

Data base tables

The program creates the table STLIST, in which all magnitograms from the list LSMG are listed.

43, Zaitseva st., room 263, Saint Petersburg, 198188, Russia
+7 (495) 754-9990
+7 (903) 255-7275
+7 (911) 236-7708
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