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Компенсация геометрического расхождения.

Compensation of a geometrical divergence.

CDIVTA PEP-клиент.


Solved problems and method.

The program is intended for input in traces the allowance for a geometrical divergence. The input is carried out by multiplication the trace to function t in a degree alpha, where t is a time variable, alpha - parameter, describing value of a divergence.

The program can work in a maintenance mode of amplitude of an down wave (table of a DB with a hodograph of the first entrances in this case is necessary). Usually this mode choose, when to a wave field the spike deconvolution was applied and there was an alignment of amplitudes in the first entrances.

Result of operation of the program is the modification of traces, the geometrical divergence is entered into which one.

Interaction with other programs.

The program is PEP-client, that is, it is launched from under a shell of batch start-up pktexec, submitting tools under orders of parameters, management of realization and scanning of the protocol of operation of the program.



The setting of parameters and start-up of the program happens from under a shell of batch start-up pktexec. The typical session consists of following steps:

  1. Start-up the program from the menu of a VSP packet.
  2. The setting of the project, in the data directory of which one is initial modification (choice File - > Project...).
  3. The setting of a name of input modification (field Input data modification).
  4. The setting of a hodograph of the first entrances. The hodograph is necessary only in case when compensation of a divergence will be yielded in a mode of maintenance of amplitudes of an down wave (field Input table with first break hodograph (in regime save amplitude)).
  5. The setting of parameters of operation of the program:
    • Flag of maintenance of amplitude of an down wave (field Use first break to save its amplitude);
    • Coefficient of divergence (field Coefficient of divergence [1.5-2]).
  6. The setting of a name of output modification (field Output data modification).
  7. Start-up of the program on realization (button Start in the toolbar or choice CDIVTA - > Start).
  8. On "scroll box" (Count of processed input traces) the relative quantity of the processed traces is mapped.
  9. During realization of the program the cable depth of a trace, processed in the sectional moment, (field Trace cable depth (m)) is mapped also.
  10. For scanning the protocol of transmission of the program it is necessary to push the button View log in the toolbar or to pick the choice CDIVTA - > View log.
  11. For escaping the batch start-up it is necessary to push the button Exit in the toolbar or to pick the choice File - > Exit.

Parameters of processing.

Directive parameters (panel Parameters).

Input data modification
Name: inmod
The type: nmod_s
Description: input modification with traces for the registration of a divergence
Input table with first break hodograph (in regime save amplitude)
Name: dbhodo
The type: dbname_s (FBLIST)
Description: the table of a DB with a hodograph of the first entrance. The hodograph is necessary only in case when compensation of a divergence will be yielded in a mode of maintenance of amplitudes of an down wave
Use first break to save its amplitude
Name: usefb
The type: answer
Description: a mode of operation of the program, whether pointing to store amplitudes in the first entrances
Coefficient of divergence [1.5-2]
Name: alpha
The type: float
Description: value of a coefficient of divergence
Output data modification
Name: outmod
The type: nmod_e
Description: output modification

Information of a burn-time of the program (panel Runtime).

Count of processed input traces
Name: runner
The type: progress
Description: Is visible demonstrates a share of the processed input traces
Trace cable depth
Name: hcab
The type: float
Description: current cable depth

Parameters of results (panel Results).

Output data modification with compensated divergence
Name: outmod
The type: nmod_s
Description: the output modification, in traces of which one a divergence compensated
Count of all input traces
Name: in_cnt
The type: int
Description: total of the traces, sent on an input
Count of actual input traces
Name: act_cnt
The type: int
Description:Quantity of actual traces sent on an input of the program

3.3. User interface.

For detailed acquaintance with user interface of a shell of batch start-up, look a program description pktexec. An example of a window of a shell with the active panel of input parameters is given below:

Input data.


On an input the modification with traces moves, for which one it is necessary to enter the allowance for a geometrical divergence.

Tables of a DB.

On an input the table of a DB with a hodograph of the first entrances moves. The hodograph is necessary only in case when compensation of a divergence will be yielded in a mode of maintenance of amplitudes of an down wave.

Output data.


On an output is formed the modification, in traces which one compensated a divergence.

Requirement to environment.

Operational environment.

The program gets a name of the current project in variable PROJECT. In case of start-up of the program from under a shell, this requirement is fulfilled by a select of the current project.

The program defines a location of the system files of a packet from variable VSPHOME, particular in a profile of the user or in a file setup in a home directory of the user of a packet. In a file setup this variable can appear also under a name VSP.

Used files.

The program searches for description of parameters in files $VSPHOME/etc/CDIVTA.pep and $VSPHOME/etc/vsp.pep.

At a home directory of the user there should be a file setup, containing paths to the directories of data, tasks and protocols of transmission of the project, and also paths to the system files of a packet of a VSP.

Other requirements.

The other requirements are superimposed by a shell of batch start-up pktexec.

Messages to the user.

Expedient of finishing of the messages up to the user.

All messages are got out in a standard stream of errors. In case of start-up of the program from under an interactive shell the messages are maintained in a file of the protocol of transmission of the task LOG/$PROJECT/CDIVTA-#.log. The messages of classes EL_FATAL and EL_ERROR be located after a program termination in area of the messages of an interactive shell.

Description of information messages.


Description of the diagnostic messages.

The diagnostic messages which are got out in information string:

" Can not open ' %s modification. Error #%d"
Error message of opening of input modification. Probably modification with such name does not exist on the disk or the user has no access to it.
" Can not create ' %s modification. Error #%d"
Error message of opening of output modification. Probably modification already exists and in the sectional moment is used in write mode by other program or other user.
" Can not open ' %s db table. Error #%d"
Error message of opening of the table of a DB with a hodograph of the first entrances. Probably table with such name does not exist on the disk or the user has no access to it.
" There are errors in input parameters. "
Error message in the setting of input parameters.
" Can't allocate memory for output trace buffer. "
The message on a memory contention for arrangement of working arrays.
" Processing of trace %d cause an error. "
Error message in a procedure of input of a divergence for some trace. Probably input modification corrupts.
" Can't find first break for NMGL = of % d. "
The message on impossibility to find the first entrance for a trace of input modification.

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