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filharf PEP-клиент.
Soluble problems and method
The program is intended for deleting (correction) of anomalous samples
in traces.
Interaction with other programs
The program is PEP-client. Thus it is started from under the shell of the
package execution program
which gives tools for setting the parameters, control of execution of the
program and viewing the protocol of program operation.
Setting the parameters and start of the program are performed from under
the shell of the package execution program
The standard session consists of the following steps:
Start of the program from the menu of the package VSP
Setting the project with the data directory containing initial modification
(menu item File - > Project...)
Setting the input and output modifications
Setting the coefficient of the Hara filter. This coefficient sets the maximum
exceeding on amplitude of two adjacent samples. At exceeding it the sample
is considered anomalous. Usually coefficient is > 2 and < 1500.
Switching on the function of double running. If there are many anomalous
samples or they are near each other, the first running of Hara filter needs
to be fulfilled in the wide window, and then repeatedly in narrow. For
this purpose it is necessary to switch the "On" button.
Start of the program on execution (button Start in the toolbar or
the menu item filharf - > Start).
To monitor the resulting modification it is necessary to press the View
near the name of output modification on the
panel of results.
To view the protocol of execution of the program it is necessary
to press the View log button in the
toolbar or to select the menu item filharf - > View log.
To escape the environment of the packet execution program it is necessary
to click the button Exit in a toolbar or to select the menu item File -
> Exit.
Parameters of processing
Input parameters (panel Parameters)
Name: Data modification for filharf
Type: nmod_s
Description: Name of the input modification
Name: Resulting data modification
Type: nmod_e
Description: Name of the output modification. The name should be given
in the form of Sxxx, Rxxx, Dxxx, where xxx are any printed symbols.
Name: Treshold multiplyer for anomallous samples
Type: float
Description: Coefficient of exceeding of the anomalous value above
normal sampling.
Information of an operating time of
the program (panel Runtime)
Name: Current cable depth, m
Type: float
Description: current cable depth of the processed traces
Parameters of results (panel Results)
Name: Resulting data modification
Type: nmod_s
Description: Name of the output modification
Name: Count of all input traces
Type: int
Description: the counter of input traces
Name: Count of anomales samples
Type: int
Description: the counter of anomalous samples, which were replaced
by average value of adjacent samples.
User interface
For detailed acquaintance with user interface of the package execution
program, see the description of the program
An example of the window of the shell with the active panel of input of
parameters is shown below:
Input data
All traces of the given modification are moved to the input of the program
Output data
All actual traces are written down to the resulting file with a name of
output modification. In these traces the values of samples
are corrected, if for them the inequality of a Hara filter is fulfilled.
Requirements to the environment
Operational environment
The program gets the name of the operating project through the variable
of environment PROJECT. If the program is started
from under the shell, this condition is fulfilled by selection of the
operating project.
The program determines the location of the system files of the package
from a variable VSPHOME, defined in the user`s
profile or in the file setup in a home directory of the user
of the package. In the file setup the given variable can appear
under the name of VSP.
Used files
The program searches for the definition of parameters in the files $VSPHOME/etc/gain.pep
and $VSPHOME/etc/vsp.pep.
The user`s home directory should contain a setup file. This file
should contain paths to the directories of data, jobs and
protocols of execution of the projects and also paths to the system
files of theVSP package.
Other requirements
Other requirements are defined by the shell of the packet execution program
Messages to the user
Bringing messages to the notice of the
All messages are moved to the standard stream of errors. If the program
is started from under the interactive shell, the
messages are saved to the file of the protocol of the transmission
of the job LOG/$PROJECT/filharf-#.log. The messages of
classes EL_FATAL and EL_ERROR are placed in the area of messages of
the interactive shell after the program termination.