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Amplitude estimation in given window.

aabsorp PEP-клиент.

Interaction with other programs

The program is PEP-client. Thus it is started from under the shell of the packet execution program pktexec, which gives tools for setting  the parameters, control of execution of the program and viewing the protocol of program operation.


A session

the Job of arguments and the triggering of the program takes place from under a shell batch triggering pktexec . A sample session consists of following pitches:

  1. Triggering of the program from the menu of the parcel VSP.
  2. the Job of the design, in the catalog of datas which one is source update ( Post of the menu File - > Project... ).
  3. the Job of source update and choice of the table, in which one are a hodograph, concerning which one will be effected estimation of amplitudes.
  4. the Job of offset of a dot of a beginning of a window for an estimation of amplitudes concerning time on a hodograph. The offset is set signed in milliseconds also is suffixed to value of time of a hodograph.
  5. the Job of width of a window for an estimation of amplitudes
  6. the Job of a spacing of cable depths, within the limits of which one the estimation of amplitudes will be executed.
  7. Triggering of the program on implementation (push button Start in the desk of instruments or post of the menu aabsorp - > Start ).
  8. For scanning the resultant table it is necessary to click the push button View at a name of the output table in the desk of results.

    For scanning the protocol of passing of the program it is necessary to click the push button View log in the desk of instruments or to select post of the menu aabsorp - > View log .

  9. For escaping environment of batch triggering is necessary to click push button Exit in desks of instruments or to select post of the menu File - > Exit .

Parameters of processing

Input parameters (panel Parameters )

a Name: Data modification for estimation
Type: nmod_s
Description: a name of update with trasses submitted on an input of the program.
a Name: Hodograph
Type: dbname_s (FBLIST)
Description: the table of a BASE of DATES with a hodograph, along which one will be is made account of values of amplitudes in a preset window. During a hodograph is accepted field TFB of the table of a BASE of DATES.
a Name: Shift of window from hodograph, ms
Type: float
Description: shear of a window concerning a hodograph in milliseconds. The magnitude is suffixed to time of a hodograph
a Name: Length of window, ms
Type: float
Description: width of a window for an estimation of values of amplitudes in milliseconds.
a Name: Range of cable depths
Type: float
Description: a spacing of depths for an estimation of amplitudes the analysis of amplitudes in a window is executed only for a trass, cable the depths which one get in a preset spacing of depths. Value depth in maiden window can not be less value of depth in the second window.

Information of runtime of the program (panel Runtime )

a Name: Current cable depth
Type: float
Description: flowing cable depth treated trasses

Parameters of results (panel Results)

a Name: Resulting data modification
Type: nmod_s
Description: a name of output update
a Name: Count of all input traces
Type: int
Description: total sent on an input a trass.
a Name: Count of estimations
Type: int
Description: number of obtained estimations of values of amplitudes the trass in input update, so can differ from number as for all a trass inhereing by one seismogram with identical the cable depth, program institutes one communal estimation. The trasses also are skipped, if for them on a hodograph is not found time.

The user interfacing

For detailed acquaintance with the user interfacing of a shell batch triggering, look the specification statement of the program pktexec .

Input datas


On an input of the program all trasses of the indicated update move. To treating The actual trasses (ACT are accepted only! =0).

The tables of a BASE of DATES

the hodograph is read from the table such as FBINFO. Thus the time of a hodograph undertakes from a field TFB, and the confrontation of a dot of a hodograph and trasses is made on concurrence fields HCAB and NMGL to the applicable fields of heading of a body considered trasses.

Output datas

The tables of a BASE of DATES

the Computed values of amplitudes in a window enter the name in the table of base datas (type ABSORPINFO). In a column FABSORP the values enter the coefficients, and in a column AABSORP enter the relative magnitudes of values of amplitudes in the given window in relation to baseline to window expressed in decibels. A baseline window, rather Which one all values are evaluated, has zero value.

Requests to a surrounding

An operational surrounding

the Program receives a name of the detail design in variable environments PROJECT. In case of triggering of the program from under a shell, this condition is executed by a choice the detail design.

the Program institutes an occurrence of the system files of the parcel from variable VSPHOME, determined in a profile of the user or in the file setup in home the catalog of the user of the parcel. The file setup given variable can to appear also under a name VSP.

Used files

the Program searches for the specification statement of arguments in files $VSPHOME/etc/aabsorp.pep and VSPHOME/etc/vsp.pep.

At the home catalog of the user there should be a file setup , containing paths to the catalogs of datas, jobs(definitions) and protocols of passing of the designs, and also paths to the system files of the parcel ???.

Other requests

Other requests are superimposed by a shell of batch triggering pktexec.

The messages to the user

Method of finishing of the messages up to The user

All messages output in a standard current(stream) of errors. In case of triggering the programs from under an on-line shell of the message are saved in the file of the protocol passings of the job(definition) LOG/$PROJECT/aabsorp-#.log. The messages of classes of gravity EL_FATAL And EL_ERROR find be located after a program termination in field the messages of an on-line shell.

Description of the information messages

  • Creating new table [tab_name] - the new table Is created [tab_name]
  • There are errors in input parameters. - There are errors in arguments
  • Depth range H1=nnnn H0=mmmm - Value of a spacing of depths for estimations of amplitudes
  • Trace NMGL=nnnn is skipped as not actual - irrelevant trass In NMGL=nnnn is skipped
  • Can't find hodograph time for HCAB=gggg NMGL=nnnn - for trasses with HCAB=gggg NMGL=nnnn the time of a hodograph is not determined
  • Trace NMGL=nnnn HCAB=gggg skipped - trass with NMGL=nnnn HCAB=gggg Is leaked(skipped)
  • Trace NMGL=nnnn HCAB=gggg rk = aaaa rc = dddd - for trasses with NMGL=nnnn HCAB=gggg the coefficient rk = aaaa, his(its) value rather is counted Baseline window in decibels is equal rc = dddd

Description of the diagnostic messages

  • Can not open [Mod_name] modification: [Text error] - error at discovery of update [Mod_name]: a code of an error
  • Can not open [tab_name] db table: [Text error] - error at discovery of the table [tab_name]: a code of an error
  • Could not create db table [tab_name]: [Text error] - error at creation of the table [tab_name]: a code of an error
  • Bad parameter for length of window - parameter value for widths of a window is less than or equal to zero point
  • Error in range depths - error at the job(definition) of a spacing of depths. the value of depth in the second window is more than value of depth in the maiden window.
  • Can't get traces with speficied range of cable depth - there are no actual trasses in a preset spacing of depths
  • First point is zero. Checking data - window for the maiden trasses zero. Check up arguments. In preset spacing of depths for the maiden 10 trasses in preset windows of one zero points. It is impossible to determine to baseline trass
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