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Адаптивное подавление гармонических помех.

(Адаптивная фильтрация шумовых частот).

Adaptive filtration of noise frequence.

AFNF PEP-клиент.


Solved problems and method.

The program is intended for determination of harmonic noises on an interval of a trace up to the first entrance and their filtration in a trace.



The setting of parameters and start-up of the program happens from under a shell of batch start-up pktexec. The typical session consists of following steps:

  1. Start-up of the program from the menu of a packet of a VSP.
  2. The setting of the project, in the directory of datas which one is initial modification (choice File - > Project...).
  3. The setting of a name of input modification (field Input modification).
  4. The setting of a name of the table of a data base with a hodograph of the first entrances (field Input first break hodograph);
  5. The setting of parameters of operation of the program:
    • Interval of depths for searching and filtering of noise frequencies (field Cable depth range (m));
    • Shift of a hodograph for determination of an interval, on which one the parameters of noise frequencies (field Shift from hodograph (ms)) will calculate;
    • The quantity of SIGMA for decisionmaking is frequency put out (field Quantity of SIGMA for search noise frequence);
    • The minimum reduction of average amplitude after a filtering (field Minimal decreasing of amplitude);
    • Parameter of a regularization on amplitude (field Amplitude regularisation parameter);
    • Quantity of iterations for specification of frequency (field Quantity of iterations).
  • The setting of a name of output modification (field Output modificatio).
  • The setting of a name of the output table for record of results of operation of the program (field Output table with nois frequences parameters).
  • Start-up of the program on realization (button Start in the toolbar or choice AFNF - > Start).
  • On "scroll box" Count of processed input traces the relative quantity of the processed traces is mapped.
  • During realization of the program are mapped also:
    • Current cable depth (field Trace cable depth);
    • Logic number of a magnetogram of a current trace (field Trace logical magnitogram number);
    • Channel number of a current trace (field Trace channel number);
    • Quantity of noise frequencies on a current trace (field Quantity noise frequence for current trace);
    • Attenuation of noises before the first entrance (field Decrease noise before first break);
    • For scanning the protocol of the program state it is necessary to push the button View log in the toolbar or to pick the choice AFNF - > View log.
    • For escaping from the shell of batch start-up it is necessary to push the button Exit in the toolbar or to pick the choice File - > Exit.

      Parameters of processing.

      Directive parameters (panel Parameters).

      Input modification
      Name: inmod
      The type: nmod_s
      Description: a name of input modification
      Input first break hodograph
      Name: fbhodo
      The type: dbname_s (FBLIST)
      Description: a name of the table with a hodograph of the first entrance. The interval of a trace up to the first entrance is used for determination of parameters of harmonic noises. If for a trace the time of the first entrance is not retrieved, the parameters of noises for it do not calculate also trace is recorded in output modification without changes.
      Cable depth range for processing (m)
      Name: hrange
      The type: float2
      Description: a range of cable depths for searching harmonic noises. For the traces which have hitted in a given range, the parameters of noises are determined, then these noises are subtracted from traces. The traces not hitted in a given range of depths, are recorded in output modification without changes.
      Shift from hodograph (ms)
      Name: shift
      The type: float
      Description: displacement from a hodograph. Parameter is for displacement of the right margin of an interval used for determination of harmonic noises. If parameter is more than zero, the margin is offset to the right, if it is less - to the left. As the hodograph can be spotted not precisely, it is recommended to set this parameter less than zero on 2-5ms (for elimination of an opportunity of hit of a useful signal in an interval of calculation of parameters of noises)
      Quantity of SIGMA for search noise frequence [1-3]
      Name: ksig
      The type: float
      Description: the Quantity SIGMA for decisionmaking is frequency put out. This parameter responds for quantity of frequencies, which one will be considered as noise. Than more this parameter, then less frequencies will be determined and killed in a trace. Recommended value - 3
      Minimal decreasing of amplitude [1.01-5]
      Name: mina
      The type: float
      Description: the minimum reduction of average amplitude after a filtering. After a finding of a noise harmonics and its subtraction from a trace, the reduction of average amplitude in a trace after a filtering is determined. If this value is less than parameter of the minimum reduction of average amplitude, then the subtraction of this harmonics from a trace is canceled and the searching a following noise harmonics is carried out. Thus then more this parameter, then will be less subtracted of noise harmonicses, i.e. those harmonicses will be subtracted, which one most essentially moderate average amplitude of noise up to the first entrance. A recommended option value - 1.2
      Amplitude regularisation parameter [0.7 -1]
      Name: preg
      The type: float
      Description: parameter of a regularization on amplitude. After determination of parameters (frequency, phase, amplitude) of noise harmonics, there is its subtraction from a trace, but with amplitude multiplied on parameter of a regularization on amplitude. A recommended option value - 0.99
      Quantity of iterations [1-5]
      Name: iter
      The type: int
      Description: quantity of iterations for specification of frequency. Recommended value - 2
      Output modification
      Name: outmod
      The type: nmod_e
      Description: a name of output modification
      Output table with noise frequences parameters
      Name: resnf
      The type: dbitem_e (VSP.NFLIST)
      Description: a name of the table for record of the information about the determined noise frequencies

      Information of a burn-time of the program (panel Runtime).

      Count of processed input traces
      Name: runner
      The type: progress
      Description: Is visible demonstrates a share of the processed input traces
      Trace cable depth
      Name: hcab
      The type: float
      Description: current cable depth
      Trace logical magnitogram number
      Name: nmgl
      The type: int
      Description: logic number of a magnetogram of a current trace
      Trace channel number
      Name: ntr
      The type: int
      Description: a channel number of a current trace
      Quantity noise frequences for current trace
      Name: knf
      The type: int
      Description: quantity of noise frequencies on a current trace
      Decrease noise before first break
      Name: lowam
      The type: float
      Description: attenuation of noises before the first entrance after a filtering

      Parameters of results (panel Results).

      Output modification
      Name: outmod
      The type: nmod_s
      Description: output modification
      Output table with nois frequences parameter
      Name: resnf
      The type: dbname_s (NFLIST)
      Description: the table with data record about process of operation of the program

      User interface.

      For detailed acquaintance with user interface of a shell of batch start-up, look a program description pktexec. An example of a window of a shell with the active panel of input of parameters is given below:

      Input data.


      On an input the modification with traces moves, at which one there are harmonic noises watched in an interval up to the first entrance.

      Table of a DB.

      For the program are indispensable the table of a data base such as FBINFO with the information on an approximate hodograph of the first entrances. The time of the first entrance takes from a column TFB.

      Output data.


      On an output the modification with traces is formed, in which one the harmonic noises are killed. The traces not hitted in a given range of depths are recorded in output modification without changes in the same order, as well as in input modification.

      Table of a DB.

      The program formes the table of a DB such as NFINFO with the information on the retrieved harmonic noises (quantity, the frequency, amplitude) and their list such as NFLIST (in the event that it misses).

      Table of a DB NFLIST.

      At forming string in the table-list NFLIST the fields the following values will receive:

      • NVAR - unique number of variant of a parameter table;
      • COMMENT - comment;
      • NMOD - name of input modification;
      • DTBSPTR - indicator on the table such as NFINFO, in which one the information on the retrieved harmonic noises will be recorded.

      Table of a DB NFINFO.

      At recording in the table of a DB such as NFINFO of parameters of the retrieved harmonic noises in string the values of following fields are formed:

      • NMGL - number of a magnetogram;
      • HCAB - cable depth of a trace;
      • Quant - number of the retrieved noise harmonicses;
      • Reduced - attenuation of amplitude before the first entrance (in last 100 ms up to the first entrance) in Db;
      • Freq1, Freq2, Freq3, Freq4 - frequency first four (most strong on amplitude) noise harmonicses in Hz;
      • Ampl1, Ampl2, Ampl3, Ampl4 - amplitude of the first four noise harmonicses in Db.

      Requirement to environment.

      Operational environment.

      The program gets a name of the current project in variable PROJECT. In case of start-up of the program from under a shell, this requirement is fulfilled by a select of the current project.

      The program defines a location of the system files of a packet from variable VSPHOME, particular in a profile of the user or in a file setup in a home directory of the user of a packet. In a file setup this variable can appear also under a name VSP.

      Used files.

      The program searches for description of parameters in files $VSPHOME/etc/AFNF.pep and $VSPHOME/etc/vsp.pep.

      At a home directory of the user there should be a file setup, containing paths to the directories of data, tasks and protocols of transmission of the project, and also paths to the system files of a packet of a VSP.

      Other requirements.

      The other requirements are superimposed by a shell of batch start-up pktexec.

      Messages to the user.

      Expedient of finishing of the messages up to the user.

      All messages are got out in a standard stream of errors. In case of start-up of the program from under an interactive shell the message are maintained in a file of the protocol of transmission of the task LOG/$PROJECT/AFNF-#.log. The messages of classes EL_FATAL and EL_ERROR be located after a program termination in area of the messages of an interactive shell.

      Description of information messages.

      " Creating new table ' %s "
      The message on making the new table of a data base
      " Trace NMGL = of % d, HCAB = of % g, NTR = of % d skipped "
      The message on that the sectional trace has not hitted in a given range of cable depths and is written to output modification without changes.
      " Hcab = %f (m), Quantity of noise frequences = %d Freq1 = %f (Hz), Freq2 = %f (Hz), Freq3 = %f (Hz), Freq4 = %f (Hz) Decrese of noise before first break time = %f (Db) "
      The message on that in a sectional trace the harmonic noises are retrieved. The quantity of the retrieved noises, their frequency and value of their attenuation in an interval up to the first entrance is got out

      Description of the diagnostic messages.

      The diagnostic messages which are got out in information string:

      " Error in parameters of regularisations "
      Error message in the setting of parameter of a regularization. Parameter should be set in limits from 0.7 up to 1
      " Error in parameters ' quantity Sigma ' "
      Error message in the setting of parameter 'quantity Sigma for searching noise frequencies'. Parameter should be set in limits from 0 up to 5
      " Error in parameters ' minimal decreasing of amplitude ' "
      Error message in the setting of parameter 'the minimum reduction of amplitude'. Parameter should be more than 1.
      " Error in parameters ' quantity of iterations' "
      Error message in the setting of parameter 'number of iterations'. Parameter should be set in limits from 1 up to 5
      " Can not open ' %s modification: %s "
      Error message of opening of input modification
      " Can not create ' %s modification: %s "
      Error message of making of output modification
      " Can not open ' %s db table: %s "
      Error message of opening of the table of a data base
      " Could not create db table %s: %s "
      Error message of opening(creating) of the table for record of results
      " Can't allocate memory working buffer "
      The message on a memory contention for arrangement of working arrays
      " Can not find godograph time for trace with NMGL = of % d, HCAB = of % g, NTR = of % d. "
      The message on impossibility to find time of the first entrance for a sectional trace
      "Can't act for such small first break time "
      The message on that the interval up to the first entrance is too small for determination of parameters of harmonic noises on this trace
      " Trace until first break contains only zeros "
      The message on that in an interval up to the first entrances this trace consists only from zero on amplitude of samples

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