UNIVERS base processing software API
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1 /* mod_table.h */
2 /* $Revision: 1.11 $ mod_table.h $Date: 2008/05/15 13:47:04 $ */
3 #ifndef __mod_table_h
4 #define __mod_table_h
6 /*************************************************************
7  * Modification table file. Data types.
8  *************************************************************/
10 #include <mix/Types.h>
12 /*
13  * Modification table
14  */
15 typedef struct
16 {
17  Char NMOD[4]; /* 1 Modification name */
18  Int4 MTYPE; /* 2 Modification ordering type */
19 #define MTYPE_Sxxx 0 /* sorted by shot point */
20 #define MTYPE_Dxxx 1 /* sorted by CMP */
21 #define MTYPE_Rxxx 2 /* sorted by receiver point */
22  Int4 LTYPE; /* 3 Profile type */
23 #define LTYPE_Linear 1 /* linear profile */
24 #define LTYPE_Polylinear 2 /* polylinear profile */
25 #define LTYPE_Cube3D 3 /* 3D cube */
26 #define LTYPE_VSP 4 /* VSP profile */
27  Int4 DTYPE; /* 4 Data type */
28 #define DTYPE_Seismic 1 /* Seismic data */
29 #define DTYPE_DepthImage 2 /* Depth scale CMP image */
30 #define DTYPE_Parametric 3 /* Parametric (table) data */
31 #define DTYPE_TimeImage 4 /* Time scale CMP image */
32 #define DTYPE_Snapshot 5 /* Snapshot image */
33 #define DTYPE_Velocity 6 /* Velocity map for CMP */
34 #define DTYPE_TraceCor 7 /* ACF and CCF for traces */
35 #define DTYPE_Spectrum 8 /* Frequency scale (TBC,TEC,DT=Hz) */
36 #define DTYPE_TimeOper 9 /* Time scale operator */
37  Int4 XCUR; /* 5 Current X-coordinate */
38  Int4 YCUR; /* 6 Current Y-coordinate */
39  Int4 TBEG; /* 7 Start time */
40  Int4 TEND; /* 8 Stop time */
41  Int4 DT; /* 9 Sampling rate */
42  Real4 RDT; /* 10 Sampling rate (msec) */
43  Int4 XBEG[3]; /* 11 First X coordinates on line -
44  * SP,DP and OP */
45  Int4 XSTEP[3]; /* 14 Steps between X coordinates -
46  * SP,DP and OP */
47  Int4 SIZE; /* 17 Table length (bytes) */
48  Int4 LMIN; /* 18 Min. distance */
49  Int4 LMAX; /* 19 Max. distance */
50  Int4 LMINM; /* 20 Min. distance (module) */
51  Int4 LMAXM; /* 21 Max. distance (module) */
52  Int4 INTL; /* 22 INTL-table index */
53  Int4 INTX; /* 23 INTX-table index */
54  Int4 INTY; /* 24 INTY-table index */
55  Int4 HSIZE; /* 25 Trace header length (4-byte words) */
56  Int4 FORM; /* 26 Trace format code (see AtomType) */
57  Int4 PDC; /* 27 Parameters data code (SDS-5)
58  number of samples in ACF and CCF for DTYPE=7 */
59  Int4 XCF; /* 28 Coordinates multiplier */
60  Int4 MSTACK[3]; /* 29 Max. stack - SP,DP and OP */
61  Char DATE[12]; /* 32 Table creation date */
62  Char TIME[8]; /* 35 Table creation time */
63  Int4 PMODE; /* 37 999 or 998 - if parameters test mode */
64  Int4 YBEG; /* 38 First Y coordinates on line */
65  Int4 YSTEP; /* 39 Step between Y coordinates */
66  Int4 CCODE; /* 40 Distances check code */
67  Int4 NTRF; /* 41 Block number in file for last reading trace */
68  Int4 dummy1; /* 42 File system control table address */
69  Int4 XB_BIN; /* 43 First X-bin coordinate */
70  Int4 XE_BIN; /* 44 Last X-bin coordinate */
71  Char BIN_C[4]; /* 45 Binning indicator - "XYnn" */
72  Char SECDIR[4]; /* 46 3D stack sort direction - "XDIR" or "YDIR" */
73  Char YDIR[4]; /* 47 Y axis direction "UP" or "DOWN" */
74  Int4 LSMGDATAINFO; /* 48 Mod.num. of original VSP.WELL..LSMGDATAINFO.X */
75  Int4 XBBEG; /* 49 First bin X coordinate on line */
76  Int4 XBSTEP; /* 50 Step between bin X coordinates */
77  Char I_NMOD[4]; /* 51 Input modification name */
78  Int4 I_MTYPE; /* 52 Input modification type */
79  Int4 I_LTYPE; /* 53 Input line type */
80  Int4 I_DTYPE; /* 54 Input data type */
81  Int4 I_HSIZE; /* 55 Input trace header length */
82  Int4 I_TBEG; /* 56 Input traces start time */
83  Int4 I_TEND; /* 57 Input traces stop time */
84  Int4 I_DT; /* 58 Input traces sampling rate */
85  Int4 I_FORM; /* 59 Input traces format */
86  Char I_SECDIR[4]; /* 60 Input stack sort direction */
87  Int4 YBEGV[3]; /* 61 First Y coordinates on line -
88  * SP,DP and OP */
89  Int4 YSTEPV[3]; /* 64 Steps between Y coordinates -
90  * SP,DP and OP */
92 } ModTableMain;
95 typedef struct
96 {
97  Int4 QL; /* 1 Number of distances */
98  Int2 L[1]; /* 2 List of distances */
100 } ModTableIntL;
103 typedef struct
104 {
105  Int4 QINT; /* 1 Number of intervals */
106  Int4 DX; /* 2 Step */
107  Int4 X[1]; /* 3 List of coordinates */
109 } ModTableIntX;
112 typedef struct
113 {
114  Int4 QINT; /* 1 Number of intervals */
115  Int4 DY; /* 2 Step */
116  Int4 Y[1]; /* 3 List of coordinates */
118 } ModTableIntY;
122 #endif /* mod_table.h */
Definition: mod_table.h:15
Definition: mod_table.h:95
Definition: mod_table.h:112
Definition: VSTypes.h:200
Definition: mod_table.h:103