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ZtColoredMatrix Member List

This is the complete list of members for ZtColoredMatrix, including all inherited members.

add_color(ColorPixel theColorPixel)ZScaledPalettevirtual
add_color(const char *szColorName) (defined in ZPalette)ZPalettevirtual
add_color(float rgb[3]) (defined in ZPalette)ZPalettevirtual
add_offset(const ZSize &zsize) (defined in ZPoint)ZPoint
append_palette(const char *szPalName)ZPalettevirtual
assign(const ZGEnv &zgenv) (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
attach_matrix(ZDimension storage_policy, float *pMatrix)ZtColoredMatrix
attach_matrix(ZCMatixAccess pFunc, void *pCustomData=NULL)ZtColoredMatrix
attach_xc(unsigned xc_n, float *pXC)ZtColoredMatrix
attach_xc(unsigned xc_n, float x0, float dx)ZtColoredMatrix
attach_yc(unsigned yc_n, float *pYC)ZtColoredMatrix
attach_yc(unsigned yc_n, float y0, float dy)ZtColoredMatrix
belong(int px, int py) const ZtObjectvirtual
black() const (defined in ZConnect)ZConnect
can_hear_events(Logic flag)ZtObjectvirtual
changed_state(int mask_of_changes) (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnvvirtual
class_id() const ZtColoredMatrixvirtual
clip_line_by_rect(float sx[2], float sy[2]) const ZtObject
clip_line_by_rect(int sx[2], int sy[2]) const (defined in ZtObject)ZtObject
clip_line_by_rect(float sx[2], float sy[2], float nx[2], float ny[2]) const (defined in ZtObject)ZtObject
clip_line_by_rect(float sx[2], float sy[2], int px[2], int py[2]) const (defined in ZtObject)ZtObject
clip_rect_by_rect(float rcx[2], float rcy[2]) const ZtObject
clip_rect_by_rect(float rx[2], float ry[2], float cx[2], float cy[2]) const (defined in ZtObject)ZtObject
color(const char *szColorName) const (defined in ZConnect)ZConnect
ZScaledPalette::color(float coord) const ZScaledPalette
ZPalette::color(unsigned index) const ZPalette
color_name(float coord) const ZScaledPalette
color_name(unsigned index) const (defined in ZPalette)ZPalette
colors_count() const ZPalette
coord_to_index(float coord) const ZScaledPalette
depth(Drawable drawable) const (defined in ZConnect)ZConnect
did (defined in ZDrawable)ZDrawable
difference(const ZPoint &zpoint1, const ZPoint &zpoint2) (defined in ZSize)ZSize
dpy (defined in ZConnect)ZConnect
draw_palette(const ZSize &zs, Logic bReverse=FALSE, ZDimension dim=zdHorizontal) const ZPalette
draw_pixel(unsigned xpi, unsigned ypi)ZtColoredMatrixprotected
draw_text(int x, int y, int attachment, const char *szText) const (defined in ZDrawable)ZDrawable
draw_text(const ZRect &box, int alignment, const char *szText) const (defined in ZDrawable)ZDrawable
draw_text(Drawable id, int x, int y, int attachment, const char *szText) const (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnvprotected
draw_text(Drawable id, const ZRect &box, int alignment, const char *szText) const (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnvprotected
extent_rect(ZRect &res)ZtObjectvirtual
fetch_color(float coord)ZScaledPalette
ZPalette::fetch_color(unsigned index)ZPalette
find_cell(unsigned &xi, unsigned &yi, float x, float y, float x_pr=0.0, float y_pr=0.0) const ZtColoredMatrixprotected
flush() (defined in ZConnect)ZConnect
font (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
format_msg(int elevel, const char *format,...)ZtObject
gc (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
get_background() const (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
get_background_name() const (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
get_fill_mode() const ZtColoredMatrix
get_font() const (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
get_font_name() const (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
get_foreground() const (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
get_foreground_name() const (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
get_height(unsigned xi, unsigned yi)ZtColoredMatrixprotected
get_info_lines() const ZtObject
get_line_style() const (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
get_line_width() const (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
get_manager() const ZtObject
get_scale(FloatAr &scale)ZScaledPalette
get_status_of_matrix() const ZtColoredMatrix
h (defined in ZSize)ZSize
in_range(Logic ascent, float c1, float c, float c2)ZtColoredMatrixprotectedstatic
index_to_coord_range(unsigned index, float coord[2]) const ZScaledPalette
input(const XEvent *xev)ZtColoredMatrixvirtual
insert_color(unsigned index, ColorPixel theColorPixel)ZScaledPalettevirtual
insert_color(unsigned index, const char *szColorName) (defined in ZPalette)ZPalettevirtual
insert_color(unsigned index, float rgb[3]) (defined in ZPalette)ZPalettevirtual
inside(const ZPoint &zpoint) const (defined in ZRect)ZRectvirtual
is_changed() const ZtObjectinline
is_deaf() const ZtObjectinline
is_hidden() const ZtObjectinline
is_horizontal() const (defined in ZtObject)ZtObject
is_seldom_redraw() const ZtObjectinline
is_vertical() const ZtObject
load_palette(const char *szPalName)ZPalettevirtual
move(const ZPoint &zpoint, ZCorner zcorner=zcLeftTop) (defined in ZRect)ZRectvirtual
nx() const ZtObject
ny() const (defined in ZtObject)ZtObject
operator XPoint() const (defined in ZPoint)ZPoint
operator XRectangle() const (defined in ZRect)ZRectvirtual
operator!=(const ZRect &zrect) const (defined in ZRect)ZRect
operator!=(const ZPoint &zpoint) const (defined in ZPoint)ZPoint
operator!=(const ZSize &zsize) const (defined in ZSize)ZSize
operator=(const ZGEnv &zgenv)ZGEnv
operator==(const ZRect &zrect) const (defined in ZRect)ZRect
operator==(const ZPoint &zpoint) const (defined in ZPoint)ZPoint
operator==(const ZSize &zsize) const (defined in ZSize)ZSize
operator[](float coord) (defined in ZScaledPalette)ZScaledPaletteinline
operator[](unsigned index) (defined in ZPalette)ZPaletteinline
prepare_pixel_list(const ZNCoordSlave &ns, const ZPCoordSlave &ps, const FloatAr &car, ZtCMPixelItemAr &piar)ZtColoredMatrixprotectedstatic
print(const char *szEnd="\n") const (defined in ZRect)ZRect
put_msg(int elevel, const char *format, va_list val)ZtObject
rect() const (defined in ZDrawable)ZDrawablevirtual
rect(Drawable drawable) const (defined in ZConnect)ZConnect
remove_color(float coord)ZScaledPalettevirtual
remove_color(unsigned index)ZScaledPalettevirtual
restrict_range(Logic ascent, float c1, float c, float c2)ZtColoredMatrixprotectedstatic
root_wid() const (defined in ZConnect)ZConnect
scale_assign(const FloatAr &scale)ZScaledPalette
scale_equal_range(float mm[2])ZScaledPalette
scr_no (defined in ZConnect)ZConnect
seldom_redraw(Logic flag)ZtObject
set_background(const char *szColorName) (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
set_background(ColorPixel cp) (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
set_fill_mode(ZtvFillMode fm)ZtColoredMatrix
set_font(const char *szFontName) (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
set_font_as(const ZGEnv &zgenv) (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
set_foreground(const char *szColorName) (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
set_foreground(ColorPixel cp) (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
set_info_lines(InfoLine *il)ZtObject
set_line_style(int new_style, int dash=3, int hole=3) (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
set_line_width(int new_width) (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
set_smooth_rate(int n=100)ZPalettevirtual
sub_offset(const ZSize &zsize) (defined in ZPoint)ZPoint
swap_ground() (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
text_ascent() const (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
text_descent() const (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
text_height() const (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
text_rect(int x, int y, int attachment, const char *szText) const (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
text_width(const char *szText) const (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
text_width(int n) const (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
w (defined in ZSize)ZSize
weFormatMsg(int elevel, const char *format,...)ZtObject
wePutMsg(int elevel, const char *s)ZtObject
white() const (defined in ZConnect)ZConnect
write_png(const char *path, ZmImageRemarks *remarks=NULL)ZDrawable
write_tiff(const char *path, ZmImageRemarks *remarks=NULL)ZDrawable
x (defined in ZPoint)ZPoint
x_error(int code) const (defined in ZConnect)ZConnect
x_n2p(float ncoord) const (defined in ZtObject)ZtObject
x_p2n(int pcoord) const (defined in ZtObject)ZtObject
xc (defined in ZtColoredMatrix)ZtColoredMatrixprotected
y (defined in ZPoint)ZPoint
y_n2p(float ncoord) const (defined in ZtObject)ZtObject
y_p2n(int pcoord) const (defined in ZtObject)ZtObject
y_prec (defined in ZtColoredMatrix)ZtColoredMatrixprotected
ZConnect(Display *display) (defined in ZConnect)ZConnect
ZConnect(const ZConnect &zconnect) (defined in ZConnect)ZConnect
ZDrawable(const ZConnect &zconnect, Drawable drawable) (defined in ZDrawable)ZDrawable
ZDrawable(const ZDrawable &zdrawable) (defined in ZDrawable)ZDrawable
ZGEnv(const ZConnect &zconnect) (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
ZGEnv(const ZGEnv &zgenv) (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnv
ZPalette(const ZConnect &zconnect)ZPalette
ZPalette(const ZPalette &zpal)ZPalette
ZPoint() (defined in ZPoint)ZPoint
ZPoint(int x_coord, int y_coord) (defined in ZPoint)ZPoint
ZPoint(const ZPoint &zpoint) (defined in ZPoint)ZPoint
ZRect() (defined in ZRect)ZRect
ZRect(const ZPoint &zpoint1, const ZPoint &zpoint2) (defined in ZRect)ZRect
ZRect(const ZPoint &zpoint, const ZSize &zsize, ZCorner zcorner=zcLeftTop) (defined in ZRect)ZRect
ZRect(const ZRect &zrect) (defined in ZRect)ZRect
ZScaledPalette(const ZConnect &zconnect)ZScaledPalette
ZScaledPalette(const ZPalette &zpal)ZScaledPalette
ZScaledPalette(const ZScaledPalette &zpal)ZScaledPalette
ZSize() (defined in ZSize)ZSize
ZSize(int width, int height) (defined in ZSize)ZSize
ZSize(const ZSize &zsize) (defined in ZSize)ZSize
ZtColoredMatrix(ZtMain *pManager, ZGroupId pxid, ZGroupId pyid, ZGroupId nxid, ZGroupId nyid)ZtColoredMatrix
ZtObject(ZtMain *pManager, ZGroupId pxid, ZGroupId pyid)ZtObject
ZtObject(ZtMain *pManager, ZGroupId pxid, ZGroupId pyid, ZDimension dim, ZGroupId nid)ZtObject
ZtObject(ZtMain *pManager, ZGroupId pxid, ZGroupId pyid, ZGroupId nxid, ZGroupId nyid)ZtObject
ZtObject(const ZtObject &zobj)ZtObject
~ZGEnv() (defined in ZGEnv)ZGEnvvirtual
~ZtObject() (defined in ZtObject)ZtObjectvirtual