![]() |
UNIVERS base processing software API
This is the complete list of members for ZqCustomScale, including all inherited members.
adjustSizeLimits(QPainter &paint) | ZqCustomScale | protectedvirtual |
attachDoc(ZdDocument *pData) | ZqView | virtual |
attachDoc(ZdDocument *pData) | ZqView | virtual |
attachStream(ZdCoordObjStream *pStream) | ZqCustomScale | virtual |
attachToPlace(ZqbPlaceholder *pPh) | ZqObject | virtual |
attachToPlace(ZqbPlaceholder *pPh) | ZqObject | virtual |
AxisDecor enum name | ZqScale | |
AxisDecor enum name | ZqScale | |
BottomSide enum value | ZqScale | |
clearPlace() | ZqObject | virtual |
clearPlace() | ZqObject | virtual |
compatibleDoc(const ZdDocument *pDoc) const | ZqCustomScale | virtual |
debugState() | ZqObject | virtual |
debugState() | ZqObject | virtual |
detachDoc() | ZqCustomScale | virtual |
detachFromPlace() | ZqObject | virtual |
detachFromPlace() | ZqObject | virtual |
doc() | ZqbView | virtual |
doc() | ZqbView | virtual |
draw_scale(QPainter &paint, ZdCoordObjStream *ipStream) | ZqCustomScale | protected |
findTypeAmong(const ZdDocument *pDoc, const char *szExpectedType1,...) | ZqbView | static |
findTypeAmong(const ZdDocument *pDoc, const char *szExpectedType1,...) | ZqbView | static |
font() | ZqScale | virtual |
font() | ZqScale | virtual |
fullRedraw(bool bForce=false) | ZqObject | virtual |
fullRedraw(bool bForce=false) | ZqObject | virtual |
getArea() const | ZqObject | virtual |
getArea() const | ZqObject | virtual |
getAreaWidget() const | ZqObject | virtual |
getAreaWidget() const | ZqObject | virtual |
getAxisDecor() const | ZqScale | virtual |
getAxisDecor() const | ZqScale | virtual |
getBounds(double b[2]=NULL) const | ZqbNatGrpMember | virtual |
getBounds(double b[2]=NULL) const | ZqbNatGrpMember | virtual |
getFont() const | ZqScale | virtual |
getFont() const | ZqScale | virtual |
getName() const | ZqbName | inlinevirtual |
getName() const | ZqbName | inlinevirtual |
getPen() const | ZqScale | virtual |
getPen() const | ZqScale | virtual |
ZqView::getPlace() const | ZqObject | |
getPlace() const | ZqObject | |
getPlacement() const | ZqScale | virtual |
getPlacement() const | ZqScale | virtual |
ZqView::getRect(QRect &rect) const | ZqObject | |
getRect(QRect &rect) const | ZqObject | |
ZqbVisible::getRect(QRect &) | ZqbVisible | inlinevirtual |
getRedefinedCustomCoord() | ZqCustomScale | inline |
getScreenPainter() const | ZqObject | virtual |
getScreenPainter() const | ZqObject | virtual |
getType() const | ZqbName | inlinevirtual |
getType() const | ZqbName | inlinevirtual |
group() const | ZqbNatGrpMember | virtual |
group() const | ZqbNatGrpMember | virtual |
hasName(const char *szString) const | ZqbName | |
hasName(const char *szString) const | ZqbName | |
input(QEvent &event) | ZqObject | virtual |
input(QEvent &event) | ZqObject | virtual |
insideRect(QPoint p) | ZqScale | virtual |
insideRect(QPoint p) | ZqScale | virtual |
interactiveRedraw() | ZqObject | virtual |
interactiveRedraw() | ZqObject | virtual |
isDirty() const | ZqObject | virtual |
isDirty() const | ZqObject | virtual |
isDrawable() const | ZqbVisible | inlinevirtual |
isDrawable() const | ZqbVisible | inlinevirtual |
isHardcopy() const | ZqObject | virtual |
isHardcopy() const | ZqObject | virtual |
isInputable() const | ZqbVisible | inlinevirtual |
isInputable() const | ZqbVisible | inlinevirtual |
isIntegerTicks() const | ZqScale | virtual |
isIntegerTicks() const | ZqScale | virtual |
ZqView::isInteractive() const | ZqObject | |
isInteractive() const | ZqObject | |
ZqView::isPlaced() const | ZqObject | |
isPlaced() const | ZqObject | |
isRect(QPoint p) (defined in ZqScale) | ZqScale | inline |
isRect(QPoint p) (defined in ZqScale) | ZqScale | inline |
isTipable() const | ZqbVisible | inlinevirtual |
isTipable() const | ZqbVisible | inlinevirtual |
LeftSide enum value | ZqScale | |
m_bDefaultCustomCoord | ZqCustomScale | protected |
m_bIntegerLabels | ZqScale | protected |
ZqView::m_bInteractive | ZqObject | protected |
ZqObject::m_bInteractive | ZqObject | protected |
m_bKnownBounds | ZqbNatGrpMember | protected |
m_CustomCoordId | ZqCustomScale | protected |
m_ePlacement | ZqScale | protected |
m_fBounds | ZqbNatGrpMember | protected |
m_mAxisDecor | ZqScale | protected |
m_pCustomOnSetCoord | ZqbNatGrpMember | protected |
m_pNatGroup | ZqbNatGrpMember | protected |
ZqView::m_pPh | ZqObject | protected |
ZqObject::m_pPh | ZqObject | protected |
ZqView::m_pPx | ZqObject | protected |
ZqObject::m_pPx | ZqObject | protected |
m_pPy (defined in ZqObject) | ZqObject | protected |
m_pPy (defined in ZqObject) | ZqObject | protected |
m_pStream | ZqCustomScale | protected |
m_pUserData | ZqbNatGrpMember | protected |
m_qFont | ZqScale | protected |
m_qPen | ZqScale | protected |
m_szName | ZqbName | protected |
m_szRoot | ZqbName | protected |
NoLabels enum value | ZqScale | |
NoSubticks enum value | ZqScale | |
NoTicks enum value | ZqScale | |
onSetCoords() | ZqScale | virtual |
onSetCoords() | ZqScale | virtual |
onTickChange() | ZqbNatGrpMember | virtual |
operator=(const ZqbName &name) | ZqbName | |
operator=(const ZqbName &name) | ZqbName | |
pen() | ZqScale | virtual |
pen() | ZqScale | virtual |
placeholders() | ZqObject | virtual |
placeholders() | ZqObject | virtual |
Placement enum name | ZqScale | |
Placement enum name | ZqScale | |
prepareLabel(ZdCoordObjStream *ipStream) | ZqCustomScale | protectedvirtual |
ZqScale::prepareLabel(double fCoord) | ZqScale | virtual |
prepareTicks(ZqbNatGroup::Ticks &ticks) | ZqScale | virtual |
prepareTicks(ZqbNatGroup::Ticks &ticks) | ZqScale | virtual |
ZqView::px() const | ZqObject | |
px() const | ZqObject | |
ZqView::py() const | ZqObject | |
py() const | ZqObject | |
redefineCustomCoord(int coordId) | ZqCustomScale | |
redraw(QPainter &paint) | ZqCustomScale | virtual |
ZqbVisible::redraw() | ZqbVisible | inlinevirtual |
resetDirty() | ZqObject | virtual |
resetDirty() | ZqObject | virtual |
RightSide enum value | ZqScale | |
s_iBetweenLabels (defined in ZqScale) | ZqScale | static |
s_iLabelOffset (defined in ZqScale) | ZqScale | static |
s_iMainTickSize | ZqScale | static |
s_iSecTickSize (defined in ZqScale) | ZqScale | static |
setAreaWidget(QWidget *pWidget) | ZqObject | virtual |
setAreaWidget(QWidget *pWidget) | ZqObject | virtual |
setAxisDecor(int mMode) | ZqScale | virtual |
setAxisDecor(int mMode) | ZqScale | virtual |
setBounds(double b[2]) | ZqbNatGrpMember | virtual |
setBounds(double b1, double b2) | ZqbNatGrpMember | inline |
setBounds(double b[2]) | ZqbNatGrpMember | virtual |
setBounds(double b1, double b2) | ZqbNatGrpMember | inline |
setDefaultCustomCoord() | ZqCustomScale | |
setDirty() | ZqObject | virtual |
setDirty() | ZqObject | virtual |
setDrawable(bool bFlag) | ZqbVisible | inlinevirtual |
setDrawable(bool bFlag) | ZqbVisible | inlinevirtual |
setFont(const QFont &font) | ZqScale | virtual |
setFont(const QFont &font) | ZqScale | virtual |
setInputable(bool bFlag) | ZqbVisible | inlinevirtual |
setInputable(bool bFlag) | ZqbVisible | inlinevirtual |
setIntegerTicks(bool bFlag) | ZqScale | virtual |
setIntegerTicks(bool bFlag) | ZqScale | virtual |
ZqView::setInteractive(bool bInteractive) | ZqObject | |
setInteractive(bool bInteractive) | ZqObject | |
setPen(const QPen &pen) | ZqScale | virtual |
setPen(const QPen &pen) | ZqScale | virtual |
setPlacement(Placement ePlacement) | ZqScale | virtual |
setPlacement(Placement ePlacement) | ZqScale | virtual |
setRect(const QRect &) | ZqbVisible | inlinevirtual |
setRect(const QRect &) | ZqbVisible | inlinevirtual |
setScreenPainter(QPainter *pPainter) | ZqObject | virtual |
setScreenPainter(QPainter *pPainter) | ZqObject | virtual |
setTipable(bool bFlag) | ZqbVisible | inlinevirtual |
setTipable(bool bFlag) | ZqbVisible | inlinevirtual |
Standard enum value | ZqScale | |
stream() | ZqCustomScale | virtual |
tip(const QPoint &p, QString &qsShort, QString &qsLong) | ZqbVisible | virtual |
tip(const QPoint &p, QString &qsShort, QString &qsLong) | ZqbVisible | virtual |
TopSide enum value | ZqScale | |
Undefined enum value | ZqScale | |
unsetBounds() | ZqbNatGrpMember | virtual |
unsetBounds() | ZqbNatGrpMember | virtual |
updateDoc() | ZqbView | virtual |
updateDoc() | ZqbView | virtual |
updateGeometry() | ZqObject | virtual |
updateGeometry() | ZqObject | virtual |
updateLimits(QPainter *paint=NULL) | ZqScale | virtual |
updateLimits(QPainter *paint=NULL) | ZqScale | virtual |
updateView() | ZqView | virtual |
updateView() | ZqView | virtual |
ZqbAutoName(int *pCounter, const char *szRoot, const char *szCustomName=NULL) | ZqbAutoName | |
ZqbAutoName(int *pCounter, const char *szRoot, const char *szCustomName=NULL) | ZqbAutoName | |
ZqbName(const char *szRoot, const char *szCustomName=NULL) | ZqbName | |
ZqbName(const ZqbName &name) | ZqbName | |
ZqbName(const char *szRoot, const char *szCustomName=NULL) | ZqbName | |
ZqbName(const ZqbName &name) | ZqbName | |
ZqbNatGrpMember(ZqbNatGroup *pNatGroup) | ZqbNatGrpMember | |
ZqbNatGrpMember(ZqbNatGroup *pNatGroup, void(*CustomOnSetCoord)(void *), void *pUserData=NULL) | ZqbNatGrpMember | |
ZqbNatGrpMember(ZqbNatGroup *pNatGroup) | ZqbNatGrpMember | |
ZqbNatGrpMember(ZqbNatGroup *pNatGroup, void(*CustomOnSetCoord)(void *), void *pUserData=NULL) | ZqbNatGrpMember | |
ZqbView(const char *szName=NULL) | ZqbView | |
ZqbView(const char *szName=NULL) | ZqbView | |
ZqView::ZqbVisible(bool bDrawable=false, bool bInputable=false, bool bTipable=false) | ZqbVisible | inline |
ZqbVisible(bool bDrawable=false, bool bInputable=false, bool bTipable=false) | ZqbVisible | inline |
ZqCustomScale(ZqbNatGroup &rNatAxis, const char *szName=NULL) | ZqCustomScale | |
ZqCustomScale(ZqbNatGroup &rNatAxis, ZqbPlaceholder *pPh, const char *szName=NULL) | ZqCustomScale | |
ZqView::ZqObject(const char *szName=NULL) | ZqObject | |
ZqView::ZqObject(ZqbPlaceholder *pPh, const char *szName=NULL) | ZqObject | |
ZqObject(const char *szName=NULL) | ZqObject | |
ZqObject(ZqbPlaceholder *pPh, const char *szName=NULL) | ZqObject | |
ZqScale(ZqbNatGroup &rNatAxis, const char *szName=NULL) | ZqScale | |
ZqScale(ZqbNatGroup &rNatAxis, ZqbPlaceholder *pPh, const char *szName=NULL) | ZqScale | |
ZqScale(ZqbNatGroup &rNatAxis, const char *szName=NULL) | ZqScale | |
ZqScale(ZqbNatGroup &rNatAxis, ZqbPlaceholder *pPh, const char *szName=NULL) | ZqScale | |
ZqView(const char *szName=NULL) | ZqView | |
ZqView(ZqbPlaceholder *pPh, const char *szName=NULL) | ZqView | |
ZqView(const char *szName=NULL) | ZqView | |
ZqView(ZqbPlaceholder *pPh, const char *szName=NULL) | ZqView | |
~ZqbAutoName() | ZqbAutoName | virtual |
~ZqbAutoName() | ZqbAutoName | virtual |
~ZqbName() | ZqbName | virtual |
~ZqbName() | ZqbName | virtual |
~ZqbNatGrpMember() | ZqbNatGrpMember | virtual |
~ZqbNatGrpMember() | ZqbNatGrpMember | virtual |
~ZqbView() | ZqbView | virtual |
~ZqbView() | ZqbView | virtual |
~ZqbVisible() | ZqbVisible | virtual |
~ZqbVisible() | ZqbVisible | virtual |
~ZqObject() | ZqObject | virtual |
~ZqObject() | ZqObject | virtual |