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U3dRayTracing Member List

This is the complete list of members for U3dRayTracing, including all inherited members.

calcIntNeighPoints(U3dPoint p_int, double f, double az, U3dPoint &p0, U3dPoint &p1) (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracingprotected
calcIntNeighPoints(U3dPoint p_int, double f, double az, U3dPoint &p0, U3dPoint &p1) (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracingprotected
CalcIntParams(U3dRayPoint p, U3dPoint p0, int rtr, U3dPoint &p1)U3dRayTracingprotected
CalcIntParams(U3dRayPoint p, U3dPoint p0, int rtr, U3dPoint &p1)U3dRayTracingprotected
dl (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracingprotected
getEndPoint(U3dPoint p0, U3dPoint &p1)U3dRayTracingprotected
getEndPoint(U3dPoint p0, U3dPoint &p1)U3dRayTracingprotected
getModel() const U3dRayTracinginline
getModel() const U3dRayTracinginline
getTime(U3dPoint p0, U3dPoint p1, double v0)U3dRayTracingprotected
getTime(U3dPoint p0, U3dPoint p1, double v0)U3dRayTracingprotected
intersectCellTriangles(const U3dGridCell *cell, U3dPoint p1, U3dPoint p2, U3dPoint &ip, int &iBoundNum, double &iAngle, double &iAz, int debug_level=0) (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracingprotected
intersectCellTriangles(const U3dGridCell *cell, U3dPoint p1, U3dPoint p2, U3dPoint &ip, int &iBoundNum, double &iAngle, double &iAz, int debug_level=0) (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracingprotected
processNeighbourCells(const U3dGridCell *cell1, const U3dGridCell *cell2, U3dPoint p1, U3dPoint p2, U3dPoint &ip, int &iBoundNum, double &iAngle, double &iAz, int debug_level=0) (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracingprotected
processNeighbourCells(const U3dGridCell *cell1, const U3dGridCell *cell2, U3dPoint p1, U3dPoint p2, U3dPoint &ip, int &iBoundNum, double &iAngle, double &iAz, int debug_level=0) (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracingprotected
rayShoot(U3dPoint startP, double f, double az, U3dCodeAr rCode, bool waySave=false)U3dRayTracingvirtual
rayShoot(U3dPoint startP, double f, double az, U3dCodeAr rCode, bool waySave=false)U3dRayTracingvirtual
rayStep(U3dRayPoint &rp, double df, double &dt, double &iAngle, double &iAz, double &iCurvity, int &iBoundNum, int &bn1, int &bn2, U3D_WAVE_TYPE vPS, bool prevInt, bool noIntersect=false) (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracingprotected
rayStep(U3dRayPoint &rp, double df, double &dt, double &iAngle, double &iAz, double &iCurvity, int &iBoundNum, int &bn1, int &bn2, U3D_WAVE_TYPE vPS, bool prevInt, bool noIntersect=false) (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracingprotected
RayStep(U3dRayPoint &rp, double df, double &dt, double &iAngle, double &iAz, double &iCurvity, int &iBoundNum, U3D_WAVE_TYPE vPS, bool prevInt, bool noIntersect=false)U3dRayTracingprotected
RayStep(U3dRayPoint &rp, double df, double &dt, double &iAngle, double &iAz, double &iCurvity, int &iBoundNum, U3D_WAVE_TYPE vPS, bool prevInt, bool noIntersect=false)U3dRayTracingprotected
snellius(double vin, double teta0, double az, double vout, int rtr, double iAngle, double iAz, double &teta1, double &az1)U3dRayTracing
snellius(double vin, double teta0, double az, double vout, int rtr, double iAngle, double iAz, double &teta1, double &az1)U3dRayTracing
stepOnChord(double k, double fK, double azK, double df, double vel, U3dRayPoint rp0, U3dRayPoint &rp1) (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracingprotected
stepOnChord(double k, double fK, double azK, double df, double vel, U3dRayPoint rp0, U3dRayPoint &rp1) (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracingprotected
stepOnRay(U3dRayPoint p1, U3dRayPoint &p2, double df, U3D_WAVE_TYPE vPS, bool prevInt, double &vel) (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracingprotected
stepOnRay(U3dRayPoint p1, U3dRayPoint &p2, double df, U3D_WAVE_TYPE vPS, bool prevInt, double &vel) (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracingprotected
U3dRayTracing(U3dModel *mod3d) (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracing
U3dRayTracing(U3dModel *mod3d) (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracing
~U3dRayTracing() (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracingvirtual
~U3dRayTracing() (defined in U3dRayTracing)U3dRayTracingvirtual