UNIVERS base processing software API
This is the complete list of members for U3dBound, including all inherited members.
calculateBoundBox() (defined in U3dBound) | U3dBound | protected |
calculateBoundBox() (defined in U3dBound) | U3dBound | protected |
getActTrIds() | U3dBound | inline |
getActTrIds() | U3dBound | inline |
getActTrNum() const | U3dBound | inline |
getActTrNum() const | U3dBound | inline |
getApproxType() const | U3dBound | inline |
getApproxType() | U3dBound | inline |
getBoundBox() const | U3dBound | inline |
getBoundBox() const | U3dBound | inline |
getInitialPoints(U3dPointsAr &ps) | U3dBound | |
getInitialPoints() const | U3dBound | |
getInitialPoints(U3dPointsAr &ps) | U3dBound | |
getIntType() const | U3dBound | inline |
getIntType() const | U3dBound | inline |
getMathSurf() const | U3dBound | inline |
getMathSurf() const | U3dBound | inline |
getPoint(int pId) const | U3dBound | inline |
getPoint(int pId) const | U3dBound | inline |
getRelations() const | U3dBound | inline |
getRelations() const | U3dBound | inline |
getSideColor(U3dPoint, U3D_COLOR &) | U3dBound | |
getSideColor(U3dPoint, U3D_COLOR &) | U3dBound | |
getTriangle(int id) const | U3dBound | inline |
getTriangle(int id) const | U3dBound | inline |
getTrianglePoints(int trId, U3dPoint &p1, U3dPoint &p2, U3dPoint &p3) | U3dBound | |
getTrianglePoints(int trId, U3dPoint &p1, U3dPoint &p2, U3dPoint &p3) | U3dBound | |
getTrSurf() const | U3dBound | inline |
getTrSurf() const | U3dBound | inline |
m_box | U3dBound | protected |
m_intType | U3dBound | protected |
m_mathSurf | U3dBound | protected |
m_ready | U3dBound | protected |
m_relations | U3dBound | protected |
m_trianSurf | U3dBound | protected |
severance(const U3dBound *b, U3D_COLOR color) (defined in U3dBound) | U3dBound | inline |
severance(const U3dBound *b, U3D_COLOR color) (defined in U3dBound) | U3dBound | inline |
U3dBound(U3dBox modelBox, U3dPointsAr points, U3dSignAr relations, U3dInterpolationType iType) | U3dBound | |
U3dBound(U3dBox modelBox, U3dPoint p, double dip, double az) | U3dBound | |
U3dBound(U3dBound *) | U3dBound | |
U3dBound(U3dBox modelBox, U3dPointsAr points, U3dSignAr relations, U3dInterpolationType iType) | U3dBound | |
U3dBound(U3dBox modelBox, U3dPoint p, double dip, double az) | U3dBound | |
U3dBound(U3dBound *) | U3dBound | |
~U3dBound() (defined in U3dBound) | U3dBound | |
~U3dBound() (defined in U3dBound) | U3dBound |